Chapter 3- Hot Tubs and lies

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Troye's POV-

I hear my phone go off, but I am too tired to get up. I feel Tyler's heartbeat reach abnormal speeds where I had my head resting on his chest. I sit up then, worried. I see Tyler on my phone. I snatch my phone back, not offeneded, just worried. What was he looking at. I look down and see he had a text open. I don't recognize the number and I definitely don't know who would have sent this message.

The world would be better without you.

I try to shrug off the hurtful message, but I was still hurt. I don't who sent me the message, much less why. I just block the number and put my phone down, trying to ignore how I felt. Terrible.

"You okay?" I hear Tyler say, rubbing my back. I lean back on him.

"Yeah!" I say, trying to sound cheerful," I just don't know why I am so tired.

Tyler laughs when I yawn and stretch. I look over and catch him running his eyes up and down my body. I begin to feel bashful and self-conscious. I quickly drop my arms and pull a pillow over my lap. Tyler meets my eyes then, a pink quickly flooding his cheeks but just as quickly leaving. Tyler was hardly emberassed and when he was, it didn't ever last long.

"I need to go film my Friday video for my channel, but you can join me if you want. It would be fun!" Tyler says.

"Okay, sure," I agree. I loved videos with Tyler. He sets up his camera and lights before pulling over two chairs. I sit down in one and Tyler comes over to explain.

"We are just opening fanmail today," Tyler says," which is more interesting than you think."

Tyler starts the video and we spends a good 20 minutes of going through packages and letters from his laready huge fanbase and we are only seniors in high school. Tyler gets bored though and ends the video. He grabs his laptop to edit. He edits the video until it is just under 9 minutes and adds his outro. He uploads the video, and once it goes live, the very first comments are about Troyler, of course. Tyler and I laugh as we scroll through the comments, replying to a few nice ones. It was amazing how just a reply to a comment made someone feel honored. Tyler did really care about each fan, I knew it, but he juI st had so many it was hard to make everyone feel special. It is 4 o'clock by the time we finish going through some videos and replying to comments. Tyler looks like the tired one now. I giggle when he looks at me with glazed eyes and a goofy smile.

"I love my people," he says, proudly.

"I love you-" I begin to say and quickly save," I love YouTube!" 

Tyler laughs at my dumb response, but luckily doesn't seem to catch onto my flop. I can't believe I just said something that stupid...

"Are you hungry?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah," I say, realizing we didn't eat lunch and my stomach growls, as if on cue. Tyler laughs and hops up to go order something. I stay on the couch, thinking about what we could do  while I am here. It was really nice of Tyler's family to offer there house as a place to stay.  I hear Tyler ordering mexican food. I get up to use the restroom. I walk in and close the door. I splash water on my face, trying to wake myself up. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I dry my face and slide my phone out. 

Why does anybody like you

I know I shouldn't let stuff like this get to me. I just tell myself I don't even know them. I don't know how these people are gettting my number though. I just block this number too, sliding my phone back in my pocket. It doesn't matter, I tell myself before walking back out. Tyler is on the couch again, sitting criss-cross.

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