Fallen To A New Friend

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 It was a beautiful day; when I climbed the mountain. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, and it felt like something inside of me had cracked. I was done with everything; my family, my friends, myself. That day was beautiful, yes, but I couldn't see it through my clouded vision.

It had been another terrible day for reasons completely out of my control. A sleepless night of nightmares, another spiteful comment from my sister. I guess what finally threw me down was my notebook. Scribbled in, again, by my four younger brothers. I had cried to see another piece of myself, my only constant friend, destroyed by unforgiving pens. Mom had tried to calm me. My siblings had apathetically ignored me. I yelled. I told them I hated them. I wanted so bad just to let my fists fly on unforgiving flesh so that they wouldn't ever, ever forget this pain. I had wanted them to hurt. But instead I let the fists hit inside me instead, remarking bruises from previous incidents. I gave up, then. Now my feet pounded the ground, trying to escape reality.

Where was I going?

I didn't know. But I wasn't going to stop until I found out.

Lost in these thoughts, I didn't notice that I was going up, up, up the mountain. Higher and higher towards realization. But when stumbled on a rock and fell forward, I couldn't help but notice going down, down, down. Deeper and deeper, until all became void as my head snapped against a rock.


I woke up gradually, my head still throbbing from the rocks before. Slowly, so slowly, I opened my eyes to face the world. The daylight was dim, and the air smelled musty and... perfumed. The scent of flowers drifted up to my nostrils and I inhaled deeply. The smell was comforting; it reminded me of my grandma's garden. Sitting up slowly to spare my head, I took in my surroundings. A dim cave, carpeted in yellow and lit only by faint sunshine from the opening far, far above. Remembering the fall, I touched my head and felt sticky, warm blood. I shuddered, not daring to look at my hand for fear I would get sick. I fumbled around for my glasses, since I couldn't see worth squat without them. My hands found the notebook first, all tattered and torn. Next to them were my glasses, surprisingly unshattered from the fall. Placing them on my nose, I blinked at my now clearer surroundings. The soft yellow things that had caught my fall and saved my life turned out to be flowers. Odd, that they were strong enough to break the fall, I thought muzzily. My mind had started to turn, trying to find a way out, when I heard a cheerful voice behind me.


I turned around quickly, making my head throb in protest at the sudden movement. There, sprouted taller than the others, was cheerful looking flower the color of sunshine. It was smiling pleasantly and bobbing back and forth happily.

"I'm Flowey! What's your name?"

The whole, surreal situation stole my ability to speak away momentarily. "Flowey" cocked his head in patient confusion at my silence. At least, I think it's a he. I was judging entirely off the voice. Finally recovering, I responded.

"You're a flower."

Yes, quite the charmer, aren't I? Flowey merely laughed lightly and nodded.

"Yup. Flowey the Flower. And you are?"

I blinked a few times to take it all in, then pulled off my cloudy glasses and polished them before putting them back on. Yes, he was real.

"I'm Eynni. I'm not a flower, though."

He laughed again, a sound that both put me on edge and made me want to smile. "Welcome Underground! I just saw you fall. That looked like it hurt!"

"Uh, yeah. It did."

"And you hit your head too! Golly, you must real confused. I can help! Ready? Let's go!"

A little noise emanating from nowhere played, and I felt a tugging in my chest. My hand opened of its own volition, a softly glowing purple heart appeared above it. I blinked in confusion and surprise.

"That's your soul, the very culmination of your being! It's purple, so you have a soul of Perserverence! Golly, that's swell! Right now it's pretty weak, but you can help it grow stronger by gaining LV, or LOVE! I have some I can give you right now!"

Small, opaque white beads appeared in front of Flowey and he smiled encouragingly. "They're called 'friendliness pellets', and they give you LOVE! Go on, catch as many as you can!"

I was cheered by this instant friend, and beamed back. The friendliness pellets flew towards me at a manageable speed. As if on instinct, I hurled my notebook at the closest pellet. It connected, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I gasped, and fell to my knees. My soul looked close to breaking covered all over in fractures as if it were made of glass.

"You complete idiot. Why would I help a pathetic weakling like you?"

Flowey smirked down at me, his expression turning devious. "In this world, it's kill or be killed. And I, for one, intend to be the killer."

A sphere of the deadly white missiles surrounded me. Between the gaps, I could see the flower's horribly deformed face.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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