Year 1 - Classes

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Leaving potions stressed out Hermione, but she still had other classes later and hoped that they would be easier to deal with.  Transfiguration was next and it was with the Gryffindors again.  Overall the classes with the Gryffindors weren't too bad and it was just Transfiguration, potions, charms, and flying lessons. Astronomy was with all the houses so that didn't count in her eyes.

Since potions just got over she walked to the Transfiguration classroom.  Once inside she saw the Professor, McGonagall.  Pretty nice that she recognized someone so she took a seat near the front this time.  Before the others came in McGonagall stood up and transformed into a tabby cat.  Hermione was interested now and wanted to know how to do that.  Of course, her thoughts were interrupted by the others coming into the classroom.  The Slytherins was first and once inside again looked at Hermione and took the seats as far as possible from her while sneering.

Hermione was embarrassed and ashamed that this was caught by a teacher upfront.  The cat's eyes seemed to narrow at the others and their actions against Hermione.  'This could make the people talking worst', Hermione couldn't help but think knowing that McGonagall saw everything.  Once it seemed everyone was inside the chalk started writing and everyone got out papers to write the notes that were appearing on the board.

Everything was silent for five minutes before the doors opened again where Ron Weasley and Harry Potter stumbled in.

"We made it," Ron stated out of breath. "Could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if she was here?"  Hermione rolled her eyes at them and continued writing even if she was paying attention to their conversation.

The cat soon jumped off the table and transformed back to Professor McGonagall.  Everyone's eyes widened in surprise and shock that the teacher was there the entire time.

"That was Bloody Brilliant!" Ron explained loudly.

"Why thank you Mr. Weasley, but perhaps you two need a pocket watch in order to get here on time."

Harry blushed and looked down at the ground, "We got lost..."

"Then perhaps a map.  I don't suppose you need a map to find your seat, do you?"

They both quickly sat at a desk and then started working.  After class after everyone was leaving for Charms class, Hermoine was stopped by Professor McGonagall.

"Ms. Granger..." She stood next to where Hermione was putting up her stuff.

"Hello, Professor."

"How are you settling into Slytherin?"

"Oh, it's fine.  Just its a culture shock for the other girls with me from a different ...culture to them."  Hermione coldly stated and finished putting up everything.

"I hope everything gets better for you Ms. Granger and if you need anything come and talk to me or your house head, Professor Snape." Hermione nodded to McGonagall and went off to Charms.

She got to charms a bit later than everyone else so once she walked inside there was only one spot open and it was right next to Potter and Weasley.  She sighed and sat down as the other Slytherins snickered at her misfortune.  Weasley frowned at her as she sat next to them.  Luckily Harry was indifferent about her being there so he was the buffer between the two.

Class began and a small man started taking roll call and like the others, paused once he said, Harry Potter.  It was quite annoying now after so many classes.

"Now the lesson today is simple.  A levitate charm.  The incantation is Wingardium Leviosa! Now say it with me."

"Wingardium Leviosa," the class mumbled back.  "Now the proper hand movement is a swish and flick."  Everyone followed along and practiced the movements.

"Now with the feather in front of you please make the feather float and stay in the air," Flitwick told them and everyone started working on it.

Everything was loud and annoying to Hermoine, so she sat her head down. One Gryffindor managed to blow up his feather, much like his potion today. One person accidentally turned it into a half feather and half rat, and the rest couldn't even make it do anything at all.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron shouted, waving his arms like a windmill.

Hermione snapped at him raising her head, "You're saying it wrong!  It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa.  Make the gar nice and long. And don't just wave your arms like a mad man!"

Ron snarled at her, "You do it, then, if you're so clever!"

Hermione glared before taking out her wand and without saying anything made the feather float.  Everyone stopped and looked over at her as she smirked at Ron.  He frowned more and pouted at his desk.

"Well done Ms. Granger! Twenty points to Slytherin!" Flitwick happily shouted.

After class as they all were walking to lunch, Ron started complaining.

"It's Win-gar-dium Levi-o-sa.  Honestly, she's a nightmare! No wonder she's got no friends!"

"Nevermore of a truer statement Weasley!" Pansy shouted and everyone started laughing on bother sides Gryffindor and Slytherin.  Hermione hearing everything shoved past them all, almost knocking Ron over march off.  

"I think she heard you..." Harry whispered to Ron.

Hermione walked off.  No, she wasn't going to cry, she was going to prove them all wrong someday.  For today though she wasn't hungry or in the mood for anything now.  She marched back down to her bed and just laid down, just going over how crappy everything has been so far.


Later that night McGonagall had a small meeting with Snape.  

"I'm worried about Ms. Granger Severus."

"I wouldn't be worried about her.  She's been doing fine in class."

"You know that's not what I mean!  You didn't see what happened today with the other Slytherins and her.  They didn't even try to hide their disgust with her!  I know she's a muggle-born in Slytherin, but I thought they would be more excepting if they were part of the same house!"

"I don't know what you want me to do about this."

"Just-just keep an eye on her. Okay."

Everything was silent for a minute.

"She did non-verbal magic today in my class..." Snape told McGonagall.  "The rest of the class couldn't even get the spell to work.  She's powerful and she knows spells beyond the first-year level."

"We'll have to check with the other Professors if she has done the same in their classes. We should keep an eye on her."

"And we will."

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