Year 1 - Platform 9 3/4 and Hogwarts Express

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This was it for Hermione, the day of going to Hogwarts arrived.  She didn't even sleep the previous night.  She just kept getting up and checking over her bags and trunks to make sure everything needed was in there.  It is safe to say that even with the lack of sleep she was wide awake this morning.

"Hermione! Get your stuff in the car!" Jean yelled from down the stairs up to her.  Hermione quickly started dragging her stuff in one go, down the stairs, and to the car.  Once she was down the stairs with everything she stopped by the front door.

"Alright, Mum.  Let's go." Hermione almost commanded and started out the door.  Jean grabbed one of the bags from the pile that she was carrying to lighten the load.  They quickly put everything in the car and took off.

The car ride seemed to stretch on forever to Hermione and the roads seemed to get longer every minute in the car.  Soon the car ride did end and they arrived at King's Cross Station.  They loaded everything of Hermione's onto a trolley and went inside.

"Err...Hermione do you know what platform we're supposed to be on?" Jean questioned Hermione as she followed her around the station.

Hermione pulled out a ticket and looked at it, "It says Platform 9 3/4.  But from the maps here it doesn't exist."

"Well...maybe it's just we can't see it...or it's not in a place we expect."

"That could be it.  The only logical thing to do is go to platforms 9 and 10 to see if we notice anything that may seem off." Hermione stated to her mother and she nodded back at Hermione.

"If only Henry could have come today.  He's really good at directions." Jean complained and Hermoine continued walking ignoring her mother.  

They arrived and stood between the two platforms and just stood there looking around.  No words were said between them nervous that they may miss something.  After five minutes a small family caught Hermione's eye.  A girl who was older than Hermione with a trolley and her parents all looked around before soon walked into the wall between platforms 9 and 10.  They all disappeared.

Hermione not really shocked spoke to her mother, "I found out how to get onto the platform."


"Yes.  You just have to walk into the wall between platforms 9 and 10."

They approached the wall that the girl and her family disappeared into and Jean nervously turned to Hermione.

"I-I think this is where I take off Hermione. I don't feel like crashing into a wall today."  Jean leaned in and gave Hermoine a hug, "I love you! Don't forget to write to me and your father, okay."

"I will mum.  Now you and dad can have that date night you always wanted but didn't know what to do with me."

Jean smiled a bit and backed off, "Bye Honey." she sadly turned around and started walking off.

"Bye Mum," Hermoine then turned around away from her mother, and looked at the wall.  She took a breath and closed her eyes before shoving her trolley and herself at the wall.  

Once Hermione opened her eyes again she noticed she was on a completely different platform that wasn't like the others.  This one seemed to go straight outside and there were tons of families hugging and laughing before sending their kids off.  The train was amazing to Hermione it seemed to not be that big on the outside, but she knew it could fit everyone on it.  

Hermione slowly pushed herself and her luggage to the train through the crowds of people.  Once she was by the train she grabbed all her stuff and walked on it.  After walking down the train's hall she found a compartment that was completely empty.  Sighing in relief she walked in and started putting her stuff on the shelf above the seats.  After quite a while all her stuff was neatly arranged and only filled up half of the luggage space. 

Nodding slightly to herself she looked at the clock that was outside the window of the train, not like anyone could miss that thing.  The train was about to take off and Hermione knew she wanted to change into her robes early before the bathrooms became too crowded with people changing later or even late.

She grabbed one of her bags again and dug through it as the train started taking off and found her robes.  Once she found them she looked out the window and saw they were out of the station and on their way to Hogwarts.  She grabbed her robes and took off to the bathrooms.  She quickly got changed and marched back.

She was surprised once she returned because there was another person in the compartment.  She walked in and put her clothes she changed out of,  back into the bag, and grabbed out one of her books.

She looked at the boy who invaded her compartment. 

"S-Sorry.  Everywhere else was full." The boy stuttered and Hermione nodded at him.

"I'm Hermoine Granger, first year." She stated plainly while holding her book.

"Err...Neville Longbottom...first year."

"Pleasure," Hermione stated and sat down quickly turning to the first page in her book to notify Neville that she wasn't to be disturbed while reading.  Neville getting the message started putting his stuff on the shelf above his seat.  

After a few minutes of Neville struggling to get his stuff onto the shelf, he succeeded and threw himself on the seat.  After breathing for a few awkward minutes and started searching for something in his pockets.  Rumbling through most of them already his face grew worried.

"OH NO!" he shouted in horror still looking through his pockets.  "I LOST TREVOR!" 

"Trevor?" Hermione questioned him a bit annoyed at being interrupted.  The boy was almost in tears.

"My Frog! Gran will kill me if I don't find him.  CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME!" Neville cried.

Hermione at this point just wanted to get him to be quiet so she agreed and pointed down the hall leading the front of the train. "You go and ask everyone from her till the front of the train and I'll take the back of the train."  Hermoine after stating that took off leaving Neville to go off by himself. 

At first, it was nerve-racking talking to everyone in the compartments, but now it was plain annoying.  To Hermione, Trevor is lost forever. What a shame.

She opened another door, "Have you seen a toad?" She spoke to a black-haired boy that sat with a red-headed boy.  They shook their heads at her no.  

"A boy, Neville lost his toad." Hermione noticed the red-head had his wand out. "Doing a spell are you?"

"Yes..." The boy pointed his wand at the rat that sat on the seat. "Sunshine-Daisies-butter-mellow- turn-this-stupid-fat-rat-yellow."  Nothing happened and the boy seemed disappointed.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? It's not very good, is it?  Here for example," Hermione pointed her wand at the broken glasses that sat upon the black-haired boy's face. "Repario"  The glasses quickly repaired and the boy took them off and looked at them noticing that it was repaired.  Hermione recognized him from some of her books.

"You're Harry Potter. I've read from you.  And you are?"

"Ron Weasley."

"Pleasure.  Now I must be off and by the way, you have dirt on your nose." Hermione started walking off to talk with the other compartments.  Afterward, she returned to her compartment to wait out the rest of the ride.  Neville was waiting with hope in his eyes.  She told him the truth and started reading through his cries.  Waiting to just arrive at Hogwarts.

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