Year 4 - The Dark Mark

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After the group heard the screams and saw flashes of people running through the flap of the tent, the group stood up.

"EVERYONE! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Mr. Weasley yelled in a stern voice. "Keep in groups and I will get back with you in the forest." Mr. Weasley had his wand in his hand and looked over at the group before leaving the tent with Bill and Charlie following behind.

The group was almost frozen before Percy took charge a bit telling them to get their wands out and ready and to get out to the forest. Hermione and Ginny quickly went to their side of the tent looking through their possessions for their wands.  They found them quickly and exited the tent with most of the others quickly following behind.

Once outside Hermione couldn't help but be shocked at everything going on.  People running and trampling over others that tripped.  Fire was spreading throughout the campground sending the tents up in flames. She saw people in black cloaks and silver masks marching together fires hexes, curses, and flames onto people or the tents. 

"We have to go!" Ginny yelled as she grabbed her arm making her turn with the group as they ran to the forest.

Hermione looked back to see the dark group cursing people into the air, shaking them, before killing them as they dropped back to the ground. She gasped in disbelief, it was the first time she has seen anyone killed. She was about to turn around when she noticed that they were a person short. 

"Potter..." she whispered, she looked at the group who was to busy running so she stopped turned around and started back and ran straight to the chaos. 

Hermione knew she couldn't curse anyone otherwise her position would be found as she disillusioned herself. She looked at the faces that ran past her trying to see if anyone of them was Harry to no luck.  

Suddenly there were no more people running past her and the grounds became almost to silent. She was almost back to the tent when she noticed someone of the ground.  The person on the ground had a shirt she recognized.  At first, she thought the worst but approached him anyway bending down over him.

"Potter?" She whispered but it still seemed to echo in the burndown campground.

This time she shook him a bit knowing he was still breathing, "Potter!" She was a little louder this time and he woke with a jerk and she remembered she had a spell on.

"Potter, it's me Hermione I just disillusioned myself.  We have to go..." Hermione helped him up as he was still a little disoriented. 

At a distance, before they could start to the forest they heard someone walking. They could see a figure in the distance in black robes with no mask on. The two couldn't make out any details, as they watched the man raise his arm in the air and shouted, "Morsmordre!"

Harry and Hermione watched as the dark sky was filled with a skull and a snake coming out of its mouth moving. Hermione watched the mark move and couldn't help but admire it a bit. Harry backed up a bit and something snapped beneath his feet and it echoed. The man's head snapped in their direction as Hermione thought quickly and disillusioned Harry, too. The man seemed to get spooked and ran away and Hermoine grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him to the forest.

Once they reached the tree line Hermione dropped the spells on them.

"Hermione, won't you get in trouble for using spells outside of Hogwarts?"

"I doubt it.  With everything going on today they will just think it was self-defense which it was..."

"Where are the others?" Harry questioned looking around as they walked through the forest.

"We got no idea."

"Well how about we split up and I walk this way and you walk that way so if one of us find them we'll just walk back to wherever one of us is going, to get back together."

"Are you stupid Potter! Splitting up is reckless and dangerous did you not see them! They KILLED people!" Hermione ranted and there was a voice behind them.

"Granger!" a surprised voice sounded and Hermione turned around seeing Malfoy.  She looked at him and turned back to where Harry was supposed to be but he was gone.

"Damn it!" Hermione muttered angrily and turned to Malfoy. "What do you want?!"

"Nothing Granger. I'm just surprised to see you with your little posy group. With the certain type of people being in danger, I'm just shocked you're not being protected at all cost. Like what Gryffindors so love to do."

"What do you mean?"

"The people who were targeted if you didn't know, muggle...or properly squibs.  Born from magical... or at least one magical parent, but comes out with no magic themselves. The people attacking believe that those are even worst than muggle-borns! Which is a shock! Don't worry Granger your still a close second!"

"Can you be more annoying Malfoy and with useless information, too."

"I'm just saying Granger that keep your bushy head down," Malfoy raised his nose in the air and Hermione smirked.

"A Malfoy warning at the best.  Don't forget Malfoy I'm still a Slytherin and I praise myself on my skills on NOT getting killed. See you at school Malfoy." Hermione turned around and started walking where Harry must have walked too. After about ten minutes of walking, she found the red-headed group talking worriedly.

Ginny noticed the girl walking towards them and yelled, "HERMIONE! THANK SALAZAR!" 

The group approached her and grabbed her.  She was pulled to a makeshift portkey Mr. Weasley must have summoned.

"We are going back to the burrow, everyone grab"

The same funny sensation came back from last time, but this time she landed like the others.  They were back in the field, but this time they were closer to the burrow from which they hiked last time.

"Come on we need to get back quickly!" Mr. Weasley yelled and everyone started walking back to the burrow in a daze.  It didn't take long to get back where Mrs. Weasley was shocked that everyone was back so soon in the middle of the night no less.

"ARTHUR! WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT'S WRONG!" Molly yelled scared at the sight of them all.

"Molly we need to talk," Mr. Weasley grabbed Molly's arm and squeezed it in support. "Everyone we'll talk about what happened tomorrow.  Go get some rest now!"

The group didn't need to be told twice as they stumbled inside and went to the bedroom and collapsing right away on their beds.

Hermione mind should have been racing, but for once it was blank and empty as she fell asleep right away.

'What the hell happened...' her last drifting thought was even though she knew exactly what happened.

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