Fidgiting Mess (Warning: Descriptive Lemon pt. 1)

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The way to Toshinori's house was silent. The two of them fidgeted in the back seat, wanting to go at it already, but keeping civilized because, hell, they were in a taxi! The taximan looked up in his rearview mirror at the two, sensing some tension, wanting to cut the awkward silence he spoke up, "Lovely night ain't it?" The two men shot their heads towards him, they both nodded replying with a quick "mhm," and "It is," silence took over again, a common theme it seemed for these two, but why? Well that's simple, they like each other, they just haven't really realized it, or acknowledged it really.

The taximan came to a stop, in front of a quaint house almost on the outskirts of the city, kind of made sense because he's All Might, but for him to have a small house, it's a bit strange, though not an impossible thought, "Here we are!" The man announced. Toshinori and Y/n went for their wallets, but Toshinori insisted that he paid. Y/n swore in his mind he'd get him back somehow. Toshinori paid, and they both jumped out of the taxi rushing towards the house, not before thanking the taximan. He drove off leaving the two to themselves. Toshinori yanked out his keys, searching through before finding it and unlocking the door. They with went inside, and Toshinori closed the door sighing, "Well that was, MMh-" Y/n repaid the man for what he did earlier, pushing the skeleton of a man up against the door, and pressing his lips against Toshi's. Toshinori moaned, wrapping his arms around Y/n, and walking (as best as he could) towards the couch.

They reached the arm of the couch before they both tripped, Y/n fell backwards pulling Toshinori down with him. They yelped, then stopped kissing, laughing. Toshinori gazed down at the small male smiling lovingly, "You know, I've always admired you," Y/n blushed as Toshinori's hand brushed against his face, "I'm not saying this because I'm drunk, or because we were sharing an intimate moment," he took ahold of the younger man's chin, lifting it, making their eyes meet, "I'm saying it because that's what you deserve. I've taken a notice to how you hold yourself, and it wounds me.

When I first met you, you weren't confident at all, but slowly, you've become more and more confident, and it's amazing," Y/n smiled genuinely, a tear streaking down his face. Toshinori wiped it away, "Let's not cry tonight, if you do cry, I want it to be out of pure pleasure and happiness," Y/n chuckled covering his rosy cheeks, "Oh my God..." He muttered. Toshinori laughed pulling Y/n's hands away from his face, "There you are," he sat up, holding Y/n in his lap. Y/n sighed against him, "Toshinori... Please..." The said man chuckled, his eyes swirled with lust, passion, and maybe even love, Y/n couldn't tell.

Toshinori leaned in brushing his lips against Y/n, "You sure you want this?" He nodded quickly, and their lips met, mashing together. Y/n bit Toshinori's lip, making him gasp. Y/n smirked taking that opportunity slipping his tongue into his mouth. They sat engulfed in each other for a few moments. Y/n yelped when he felt Toshinori's body inflate. He opened his eyes to meet All Might's eyes, the gigantic man smiled cheekily, "Something the matter?" Y/n looked down clearing his throat, "N-no, just wasn't expecting that," Toshinori chuckled, his arms snaking under Y/n's legs, carrying the man to his room. Somehow with an amazing balance he opened the door (and of course closed it), walked over to the bed and set Y/n down gently. He moved in once more before Y/n stopped him "You know you don't have to be in that form, right?" Toshinori's eyes widened, Y/n went on, "Don't get me wrong, I like this form," Toshinori's expression deflated, "But I like the other form more," he smiled genuinely, "I like any aspect of you Toshinori, you should be able to embrace your smaller form," Toshinori tensed, then his body went up in smoke, his body in his regular form. He was surprised, not many were fond of this form, but he wasn't going to complain.

Y/n's hand went to Toshinori's shirt, unbuttoning it slowly, teasing the other male. He sighed frustratingly, "Please, don't tease! Otherwise I'll do the same to you," he smirked, Y/n started unbuttoning faster until it was all done. Y/n stared down at Toshinori, shivering in delight. Toshinori took charge, running his hand along the bottom Y/n's shirt. His eyes snapped up at Toshinori, who silently asked permission to take off his shirt, to which Y/n complied. Toshinori swiftly took it off, looking down at him, admiring him, yes he had seen his abdomen and chest before, but now he could see the finer details. His eyes landed on his stretched scars, leaning down he kissed them, "I'm not sure what kind of surgery you got, but I don't care what it was," he looked up at him, "You're beautiful either way, inside and out," Y/n rolled his eyes at how cheesy he was, but appreciated every single word that came out of his mouth.

Toshinori traveled down to his abdomen. Y/n moaned lightly as he reached down to the waste line of his pants. Toshinori tugged at them, Y/n growled, "Toshinori I swear to whatever god you worship if you don't take them off I will make you suffer~" Toshinori's eyes widened, amused by it, but he knew he was serious.

"Alright, but you asked for it~" He pulled down Y/n's pants, throwing them across the room. Y/n lifted his hips frustratingly as Toshinori drew a line around his crotch with his finger. Finally, Toshinori pulled down his boxers revealing his throbbing member.


Oml I think I turned red multiple times while writing this HHH this is like my first time writing a lemon, I'm not too used to it soooooyeah XD might not be the best, but oh well! Might as well give it the old one two try ^^ I don't really have a drawing for this chapter but I might have one for the next one!

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