Small sal imagine

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Warning: adorable shyness
Reminder: they're all 15
( The boys are in Bold, reader is normal)

You and Sal were just hanging out in his room on his bed and doing basically nothing. You were laying against his chest between his legs while reading a new book you got, he was playing with your h/c h/l hair and making a braid, his mask long forgotten to the side, sometimes he would read along over your shoulder. It was silent except for the slightly audible Sanity's Fall playing on his radio and both of your quiet breathing.
Just as you were about to turn the page Sal's hand reached over you and to the book making sure to mark the page before putting it to the side.
"Hey, I was reading that!"
He said nothing, he only turned you around and hugged you, you rolled your eyes and smiled leaning into him. You both stayed like that for a while just talking and cracking silly jokes.
At that moment Sal was laughing pretty hard at a story you had told, he was smiling big enough to where you could see the slight gap in his front teeth, you could see how his nose and eyes scrunched up when he laughed, how even though his face was scarred you could see many faint freckles on his pale face and his laugh made your heart melt, he finally looked up and noticed your dorky smile as you stared at him and cocked his head.
"What's up? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Nothing you're just so adorable."
His face dusted a slight red as he did a fake pout and your heart nearly burst.
"I'm not adorab-"
He stopped in the middle of his sentence when you rested your hand on his cheek and slowly stroked the scarred skin as he leaned into your touch and closed his eyes, you sat up and your hand went to tilt his chin up to face you, his eyes opened when he felt you move around only to be met with you planting a soft kiss on his lips, his eyes widened and he turned a deep red, you quickly pulled away and looked down with your hands in your lap as you were now very pink. Sal touched his lips and smiled, after a few seconds of silence he decided he would speak up.
"Hey sunshine?"
"Can you uhh do that again?"
Your face got redder at the question and you scooted back to where you were before, your slowly leaned in and stopped right before your lips touched his and waited there for a second, he noticed this and softly grabbed your shoulders intending to just lightly pull you down the rest of the way but instead he pulled you down and not realizing what would happen you lost your balance and fell onto him making him fall back onto the bed, you were now basically straddling him with your arms on each side of his head to hold yourself up. You giggled a little bit at Sal's reddened face and continued to lean down until your lips finally touched his slightly scarred ones in a innocent kiss, his hands lifted from above his head to hold the sides of your face and shyly pull you closer to him. You had been kissing for about 2 minutes when you felt something very unexpected, you felt something smooth and wet glide across your bottom lip and knew what he was asking so you complied and slightly parted your lips. This seemed to give him a little burst of confidence and he moved one of his hands to rest on your hip and the other slid back to tangle in your hair, slightly pulling at your h/l h/c hair as he explored.
   After what seemed like hours but was probably only 10 minutes you both separated, you were both light pink and panting trying to catch your breath, you looked at each other only being able to utter a few words.
"Wow....that was..."
" was perfect.."
He looked at you with a smirk and said "Heh, we should do that more often."
"Sally!!" You yelled out as you felt your face reddening and you grabbed one of his pillow and hit him with it

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