Older Brother Terra x Gay male teen reader :Love You No Matter What..

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(Y/n) was on his way home after a long day of school. He also was filled with nervousness.

Today was the day that he was gunna tell his older brother, Terra, that he was gay. And gay for one of the Heart brothers, Roxas. He didn't confess to Roxas yet, but he was after he felt comfprtable enough to tell his brother his sexuality.

He stepped up onto his porch and sighed. "O-okay.. I can do this.. I can do this.." He unlocked the door and walked in. Ruffling his hair a bit. "I'm home big brother!" He called.

"Welcome home little brother!" Terra greeted his younger sibling with open arms. By meaning, an actual bear hug. (XD)

"Ah! Y-yes big b-brother!" (Y/n) awkwardly patted his back and giggled nervously.

Terra pulled back and noticed his little brothers uncomfortable and twitchy form. "Are you ok? You seem jittery.." He asked him. "N-nope! I'm ok!" He lied. Terra didn't buy it. "I'm not buying it."

(Y/n) sighed and sat on their couch. "F-fine.. there's something.. that I need to tell you.." Terra sat beside them and looked worried. "What is it? *le gasp* ARE YOU BEING BULLIED?!"
"W-what?! NO!"

"Then what? What's wrong with my little brother? I'm sure that whatever it is I'll help you. I'll always be there baby brothe-"

Everything went quiet..

(Y/n)'s face paled as he looked at his brother's shocked reaction. Scared and humiliated, he ran away from his brother and up the stairs to his room. Slamming the door.

Back with Terra.

He snapped back into realization that his baby brother confessed to him that he was homosexual, but he froze. Making his baby bro run away crying and afraid that he was just rejected.

"Crap.." Terra ran up the stairs and to his brother's bedroom door. He tried to turn the knob, but the door was locked. "(Y/N)!! Please let me in! I was just shocked!" Terra pleaded.

(Y/n) sat on his bed with his head in his arms. He shook his head and sniffled. "N-no! G-go away!" He whimpered. He didn't want to get judged by his older and only brother.

"(Y/n) please! Baby brother I'm so sorry I froze!"

"Why did you freeze?!"

"I was just in shock! I'm happy that you shared this with me! I will always accept you! No matter what!" Terra exclaimed.

(Y/n) got up and walked to the door, unlocking his door and taking a peak at his brother. "R-really?..." He murmured.

Terra smiled and held a hand to his heart. "Of course! You're my brother! I'll love you no matter what! No matter your sexuality, or if you wanna change gender. No matter what, I'll always be there and help you, support you, and always be there when you need me. I promise!" His voice was gentle and loving. "Now please (Y/n). Please let me in.." Terra begged.

(Y/n) opened the door, tears running down his cheeks. "B-big b-brother.." he sobbed, jumping into his brother's arms and crying into his chest.

Terra just hugged him back and petted his hair softly murmuring comforting word into his ear.

(Time skip)

After 30 mins of comforting and spending time with eachother to calm things down. Terra played (fav movie, f/m) and made popcorn.

Terra did wonder one thing he wanted to know from his brother. "Hey (y/n)?"
"Yes big brother?" (Y/n) answered back.

"Do you like anyone?" Terra looked at his now blushing brother. "Y-yeah,.. It's one of the Heart quadruplets. Can y-you guess?" (Y/n)'s smiled wavered with his embarrasment.

Terra thought for a moment before turning to his brother with a paled look. "It's not Vanitas... Is it?"
"What? NO! We're just friends!"

Terra took a moment and thought again, but sighed in relief. "Is it Sora?"

Terra paled again, and grabbed his brother by the shoulders. "Tell me it's not my best friend VenVen!"
"I promise you Terra it's not Ventus!"
"Oh thank goodness.." Terra sighed.

Terra then relized that it only left one person. The person he least expected.
"Why Roxas? I mean I'm not judging. But why him?

"W-well.. E-even if he seems quiet and isolated. He's actually r-really funny... A-and sweet.. H-he's just wanting to feel like a somebody.... I u-usually hangout with him a-at lunch.. Th-then he got cute! A-and charming.. And.. A-and!" (Y/n) squeeled and hid his face in a pillow that was laying beside him.

Terra laughed.

He loved his brother, but he was afraid about letting him go. So when the time came to give (y/n's) hand to someone. Terra hoped that he was truly happy. And if anyone broke his heart.



They would be sorry...

Very.. Sorry..

"I-i'm thinking about c-confessing to him t-tomorrow.."

"*comically spits water* WHAT!!??"

To be Continued X3

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