Squip x Jeremy - (Not) Broken (Part 1)

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A/N -
Just as a disclaimer... I obviously don't own the characters mentioned in this one shot. Except 2 OCs that appear in part 2. Based on the book Be More Chill. This takes place after the last chapters of the book. Anyway, thank you!

Jeremy's PoV -

This entire day had been a disaster. First I make a fool of myself in front of the entire school at the play. Then I find out that my Squip is fucking broken. "Hey, I heard that," the Squip notifies me.

"Well I'm not wrong, you told me this would work out and it didn't," I growl back.

"We're going to fix it though," Squip reminds me as if I didn't know.

     "Yeah, Michael came up with the plan, not you," I trudge back to my house which is within walking distance of the school.

     "I'm sorry," Squip said at an almost whisper, somehow I feel real emotion in his words.

     I roll my eyes but don't reply. I just keep walking, this has to work.

Finally, when I get home, Squip and I begin work on Christine's book. The plan is to have Squip help me write a book to Christine explaining and apologizing for everything that has happened since I got the Squip up until my disaster at the school play. I tried asking Christine out, in the middle of the play, and she rejected me. It was Squip's idea in the first place.

"So what do I do first?" I ask Squip, luckily my parents won't be home tonight, Squip said it takes about 8 hours to wright a book.

"Sit at your desk and open your computer, I'll take it from there," Squip replies.

I do as instructed. As soon as my computer is open I have a sudden bout of dizziness. I kinda black out for a second or two and when I wake it's like I'm a visitor in my own body. "Squip?!" I question him with slight panic.

"It's alright, I've taken control to wright the book but you're safe," Squip reassures but that doesn't help the fact that a broken super computer is currently controlling my body.

     "Please don't call me broken," Squip seems a little disheartened.

"Oh, sorry."

Squip got to work on the book and I watch through my own eyes in silence. Hours pass, the book is beginning to take shape. Squip types fast and accurately. I read over his work as he types. It's actually pretty good. Squip edits some parts to make me seem better then I actually am but he keeps it fairly accurate. I feel tired, could I fall asleep with Squip in control like this?

I wake up in my bed, I guess I really did fall asleep. I try to kick my blankets off but I can't move. It's like I'm paralyzed. "Squip!" I'm scared.

"Oh, sorry Jer," I didn't even realize the nickname, I'm just happy I can move again, "I couldn't give you back control till you woke up."

I successfully get out of bed this time, I realize I'm in my pajamas. "I figured you'd be more comfortable in them," Squip states having read my mind.

"Awkward but thanks," I reply.

"Your book is on your desk," Squip states and I hurry over to it.

It's a nice sized book with a laminated cover and binding. "Thanks," I mutter to Squip as I admire his work.

He doesn't reply. "Squip?" Is this another glitch in his broken software?

"No, I'm here," Squip walks through my door, he's carrying a bottle of Mountain Dew Red.

I can't help but notice a far away sad look in his glowing electric blue eyes. "Thanks for this," I jester with the book, "Christine will forgive me, I'm sure."

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