Chapter 13: Reunited Broken Family

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Aliana's POV:

Well it looks like today is the day I'll be moving to the studio my big sister found. Man, I was so happy when my friend, Audrie, decided to let me stay a few nights.
Even though it is the 21st century, Audrie's parents still use those old phones that are connected to the walls with a lot of those unnecessary wires, a landline. It's annoying to use since I don't really know how to, Audrie knows how, so when we heard it ring to only hear it stop a moment after, we knew her mom had answered it.
It's been 5 days since the last time my big sister contacted me so I assumed it was her and convinced Audrie to eavesdrop on their conversation.

This is what we heard.

"Well she says that your father... is a very abusive man and that it is usually you taking the hit to protect her. That are a very 'awesome' sister in her eyes, but because of a horrifying past experience had with your father that you don't smile anymore and this is what's concerning me."

Why is she bringing this up all of a sudden? Audrie's mother is super nice and all but, she can get... a little... nosey at times and butt into situations that are not any of her business , then later decides she's going to make it her problem and goes overboard trying to fix it.

"Not only that.... she said that you're moving to a studio and taking her with you, is this correct?"

"Yes... unfortunately, all that is true. However, the night Aliana came over to your house was also the night our father died due to him being overly drunk once more, and fell down the stairs banging his head and splitting it open. Now since I came home early that day, I called the ambulance and they took him away. Because I'm legally an adult, I had to find a place for us to stay.
This studio Aliana is talking about, is an old animation studio that my Uncle had during the 1930's. Its recently been refurbished into a house, on the inside at least.
Now there is nothing to worry about. I am fine, she is fine, Do Not Call CPS because that will just cause more trouble that we don't need to deal with right now. Since I'm still working and dealing with the paperwork and the meeting with the realtors later, can you watch her for the rest of the week?
I know it's last minute and probably a hassle, but I don't want her to be concerned with this. Please understand our dilemma and don't do anything irrational. Please tell her I love her and that once I'm done with this, I will make her my Killer Blackberry pie and homemade Vanilla Pudding."

I put my hands over my mouth as I sunk down the wall, trying to keep in the sobs.

Dad is dead... Should I be happy because he won't be able to hurt us? Or should I be sad that my Father just died and I'm moving to an unknown place?

Like...What..? What am I supposed to do?
Pssh, I know what to do.

Killer Blackberry Pie means that Dad is dead, but in a different way than what she explained to Audrie's Mom.
Then I think the Vanilla Pudding meant something to do with to 'go as soon as possible so people don't have the chance to do something stupid'...
Like Audrie's Mom making other people's problems her own.

The only question is... Where was the studio again?

I tell Audrie that I needed to pack up and that I'll be going away tonight. Of course, she asked why and comforted me as I cried a little, but understood what needed to be done and that I had to do this. She really is the bestest friend I've ever had.

Well, I guess this is it then.

My sister and I are going to have a new life now.
Everything will be different, which is both scary and exciting!

Even though I am only 7 years old, I'm pretty mature and advanced for my age from both emotionally and physically...
Well, that's what everyone says at least yet they still treat me like I'm a child.
Is it so much to ask be taken seriously?!

The girl that couldn't smile (Male Bendy × Abused Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now