Chapter 14: Happy Birthday (Y/n): Part One

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(Y/n) POV:

First thing that I noticed when I woke up this afternoon was not having the feeling of a certain someone wrapped fully around me. Though, the feeling of someone cuddling me was gone, I smelled the smell of someone cooking breakfast, which smelled delicious.

Drowsily I put my fully washed fluffy robe on to stay warm as I walked into the kitchen. While doing so, I find Bendy cooking with the latex gloves I bought for him, cooking my most favorite thing to eat. For a moment I had to rub my eyes and take a second look back.

"MoRninG sWeEtHeaRt"
He greeted waving the spatula/spoon in the air. I smiled tiredly and yawned leaning on the door frame.

"Morning Dear. What are ya cooking for? Is it a special day or something?"
The reason why I asked was because Bendy ONLY cooks is when it's a special occasion. Like how on Valentine's day he made me cake, then on Easter he made s'mores for everyone, then during Thanksgiving at Uncle Henry's and Aunt Linda's house Bendy cooked everything for the dinner and it surprisingly tasted freaking amazing; where it felt like every single piece of food melted in your mouth because it was so good.

However when I asked him the question, he just chuckled to himself and his smile widened a little more before setting specifically my plate only on the table. Contemplating this, I was wondering if he was going to eat or if he had already eaten and was waiting for me to get up.

"Oh, It's NoThiNg. JuSt wAntEd tO mAkE yOu feeL sPeCiaL tOdAy is aLL."

He sat down and wanted me to sit on his lap while I ate. I didn't mind of course since we've done that before, but this time Bendy wanted to feed me; rolling my eyes I did what he wanted to do this morning since I really didn't feel like moving today anyways, honestly I felt pretty sluggish today not really knowing through reason why.
So I leaned back on Bendy and just let him feed me like a child. He did started being a little weird when feeding me, his less dominant hand started rubbing my thigh, to my knee, and back again which oddly enough felt very nice as he was feeding me but it was just weird.

Once we were done he asked if I wanted to do something today or not, I wasn't really sure what he wanted me to say due to his behavior, but because I felt so comfortable just leaning on him I said that I wanted to cuddle and just maybe watch some his Bendy cartoons that didn't have any Alice Angel's in them. Which of course made him happy, but I could tell he wanted to do something else, as if wanting me to say something specific for us to do so I asked him.

"Is there something you wanted to do Bendy?"
He stopped everything he was doing and suddenly lowered his head towards my neck and purred by my ear. With my back against his chest it felt as if he was one of those chair massagers that are always at the mall or nail places.

"ThErE's OnE tHinG I hAve iN miNd"
Very sneakily he slipped his arm under both my legs as he began to carry me, therefore causing me to squeak in surprise for a moment.Then before I could say anything to ask what hell he was doing, the sneaky bastard decided to use an ink portal.
When we landed, we were in our room and Bendy placed me down on the bed as he walked to the door and locked it.

"Uh... Bendy? What exactly did you wanna do?"

I asked nervously, a lump in my throat forming from the nervousness. Bendy darkly chuckled as he turned around. He had that look where it felt like he was going to eat me. He slowly walked towards me with that smile that seemed to get bigger as he came closer, might be my imagination, but it looks like his smile is getting bigger.
He then sat next to me on the bed and pulled me close to him making me sit on his lap. My body was unable to move from how close he was holding me, I began to struggle from the tightness. Bendy leaned his head close to my ear and whispered ever so lovingly.

The girl that couldn't smile (Male Bendy × Abused Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now