Chapter 8.Deadly mission (part 5)

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Author:*sighs*....I'm glad I have supporters for this and I hope you checked out my other stories as well....lots of stuff has been happening lately and schools giving me a lot of homework and I'm trying to make longer chapters and my life here's a question...WHY DOES HOMEWORK HAVE TO EXIST!?!...welp....let's get to the story

Previously on Laven...Forever In Love

"...If Allen was taken away and his body isn't in the lake,that just means he's alive and we can find him!" I responded with determination."I...I agree with Lavi-kun!"Lenalee Says with sudden courage.The old Panda Nods while Kanda Che's in agreement.Allen,wherever you are we're going to find you and once we do...I'm gonna tell you my love for you!

Now on Laven...Forever In Love(Allen POV)

...I sit there on the bed wondering what I am supposed to am I gonna let the others know wher I am?....just then Tymcanpy hit my head.

"OUCH!!TIM!!stop it!!"I yelled at him.He just kept on hitting me and eventually started biting me."STOP IT!!!"I yelled before I pulled him away?Then realization hit me."TIM GET BACK HERE!!"

Time skip brought to you by Allen's stupidity

Lavi POV now I'm referring back to Kanda's the hell are we going to find Allen?..."It would probably best if we went back to the inn..."

Is what I heard the old Panda say."um...Gigi...what about Allen's situation?...Don't you think we should find him?hell,you've already agreed to find him?!"

was what I responded before getting a flying kick to the face and landing 20 feet away From my spot.Lenalee just sweat dropped and Yuu,well he has a favorite word doesn't he?

"OUCH!WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU OLD PANDA!"that earned me another kick towards my sides,


"BAKA!first Stop calling me OLD!second of all I KICKED you not HIT you!Dont you know the DIFFERENCE!"


I can tell that Kanda is annoyed and Lenalee sweat-dropped.Gigi Sighs and says"Third,Tim isn't around which means that he must be With Allen Walker..."I thought that over for a while.

Allen's not in the lake which means he isn't dead...The old panda is right about Tim not being here,if Tim isn't here then the only possibilities would be that he's either in a cats stomach...or with Allen.And if he's with Allen then he knows the way to get to Allen's destination and...

My eyes widened"DAMMIT PANDA WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THIS EARLIER!!!"Was what I said before I found myself about a yard away from the group and pain in my thighs."Oooouch!"I practically yelled.

Allen POV

"You got it Tim?"I asked my golem friend.Being a golem he is he simply nods in response."Good now get outta here before who ever brought me here comes back."Tim again nods in response and this time leaves.

I sigh.I really do hope the others can make it in time.I wonder if I'll still be Alive by then.I snap out if my thoughts when I hear a door crack open.I look up to see who it is and only to find some weird looking guy.

He was wrapped around in a black messed up cloak and had on a mask the covered his entire face but his eyes glow bloody red.He also had on a know what this means?It means I'm screwed.

"Who are you?"I ask sternly.The man had just started chuckling calmly.Then he started laughing like a maniac.This is a sign.I'm Really Screwed."Foolish Boy!I'm The One And Only PUPPET MASTER~And Now Your Going To Face The Same Fate As Those Children~"Says the messed up Puppet Master.

God if your up there you need to save me now from this maniac that's probably going to be the cause of my death cause he's fucked up as hell.

I noticed the Puppet master getting closer and closer and took off his cloak and mask and took the form of a clown.He held up a knife and looked like he was going to strip.

My eyes widen"Your gonna fucking rape me aren't you."

Back to let's talk

Kanda:what the hell


LaviLover:I don't know what came over me....

Lavi:I'm gonna be the (bleep) out of that (bleep) clown You (Bleep)(Bleep)(Bleep)(Bleep)*starts raging*


LaviLover:MOMMY HELP M-!!!!!


A/N:So Lavi is in the happy box right now...I am gonna bring up the next chapter...soon...onee we get Lavi to calm down and take Lenalee and surprisingly Kanda out if there traumatized state...Sorry if this was kinda short but I felt the need to just update since my week is free...It's late at night and I'm gonna just go to sleep to get all of the*shivers* struggles out...

The feels

The feels

The feels


Laven...Forever in loveWhere stories live. Discover now