Chapter6.Deadly Mission(Part 3)

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Previously On Laven...Forever in Love

Lavi didn't care, he was still worried about Allen's safety.What he didn't know was that a certain Someone was watching them grinning so evilly that Allen could feel it...Allen turned around looking up and Down but nothing."What's up Allen are you okay?" Lavi asked much more worried then before."I don't know, it's probably just my imagination but...I feel like I'm being watched...

Now (Lavi POV)

I looked around to see nobody around,but the villagers.I looked around again only to see that Lenalee and Kanda are coming on there way...And the Panda."Hey there guys have you been able to find anything?"Was how I started."All that I've been able to find was stories of children being replaced by dolls with blood on them and then there bodies return in the river not to far from here..."Lenalee responded with a sad look on her face.

"Man...its the same thing over here."Allen said."che,You'd better be careful Moyashi,If we all managed to get the same information then you know that all are boys from ages 6-16 and I'm not gonna help you if you get yourself caught."Was what I herd Kanda said.This kinda made me mad to hear that but I knew I couldn't show it.Especially since the old panda is here."I get the feeling that we might need to scout outside in the night."I say.By now we all were sitting down inside a restaurant."For once Lavi may be correct.Most of these stories take place in the night."Said the panda.And that was it.that was the plan.I noticed how Allen didn't seem to like that plan but he seemed to agree with it.dammit I feel like such an idiot!I know that something bad could happen to Allen.

Allen POV

Dammit Lavi!Why the Hell would you give such a plan!to me it's a bad idea!But I guess it's my fault for being nice and calm about it.Now I'm getting self-Cautious about it.since I'm only 15years old I don't think that everything would be okay...that is unless we were to split up by ourselves.Well whatever.We were able to get an inn..but we kinda had to share some rooms together.There were three rooms.And so it was decided that since I don't really get along with Kanda very well I would share a room with Lavi and Bookmen would share a room with kanda.Lenalee would be in another room by herself.(forever Alone XD)the problem was...I'm with Lavi.I would always blush at the thought hoping that Lavi wouldn't notice me...thank The Lord.As soon as we were able to settle down in our rooms...

There is one thing that I hade feared the most...there was only one bed.

"Well..."I started out with."How are we going to do this?"I said while looking up at Lavi.

I saw that he was all flushed up."Lavi?Are you okay?"I asked him."N-no...I-I'm perfectly fine."He stuttered.Now I'm getting a little concerned,Lavi is stuttering again and his face is red...Could it be...No...maybe it could be that he likes me too but it could be that he's embarrassed as well so I shouldn't get my hopes up."Well I don't think it would be fair for one of us to sleep on the floor...(I looked at Lavi to see he was blushing a darker shade of red)...Hmm...I know!Maybe if we get two blankets we can use them as barriers."With that said Lavi turned to face Allen."Wait...what do you mean?" Lavi says.

"Well since we're in the cold weather I get cold easily so I can sleep under two blankets and...well if you don't get cold easily then you can sleep under one."I say with a big smile on my face.Then Lavi Smiled."That's not a bad idea Allen"He says.

~~~TimeSkip(2 hours)~~~LaviPOV~~~

I couldn't go asleep.I stayed up wide awake.I had constantly checked to see Allen next to me.And when I would go to sleep I would end up having a nightmare and wake up immediately again and again.I didn't want to have to got to sleep and wake up with Allen not there.I was just too scared.I don't wanna have to have regrets going back to the order without Allen.So because of this....I decided to just stay awake and face Allen.Looking down on him...he kinda looks....No!I know he looks oh-so-very cute...actually adorable(Hehe Lavi is fanboying over Allen).I decided to try and go to sleep again.But first I wrapped my arms around Allen to make sure that nothing bad could happen to him and I closed my eye.

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