The Crazy Side of Love

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Title: The Crazy Side of Love

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Title: The Crazy Side of Love

Author: makayla_ED

Genre/s: Horror thriller/Romance

Status: completed []; on-going [√]; on hiatus []


This is mostly a comment and advice on formatting, I won't be critiquing plot

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This is mostly a comment and advice on formatting, I won't be critiquing plot. It's purely my opinion, but the book is so unpleasing to the eye that I'm using it as an example of what not to do.

Don't make the whole book centered like this:

Don't make the whole book centered like this:

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It doesn't look good - not on mobile nor on desktop

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It doesn't look good - not on mobile nor on desktop. If you've read books for a long time, you know that you're automatically inclined to read from left to right. Formatting your paragraph this way doesn't work well, especially if it's long, because it's not pleasing to the eye and if it's not pleasing to the eye it becomes unbearable to read.

The lines are jagged and the human eye doesn't enjoy that.

Another thing! DON'T MAKE LONG PARAGRAPHS. And don't have dialogue from five different people in one paragraph.

"But how do I know when to start a new paragraph?"


If you haven't been writing long, this probably means nothing to you. But I will explain it with this graphic.

Make a new paragraph if...


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And then we move onto grammar and punctuation. If not grammar, please at least use punctuation, PLEASE!

Commas are underrated, commas can save lives my guys. I'll give an example.

Let's eat Grandma.
Let's eat, Grandma.

Can you spot the difference? I can. If you can't I'll explain.

You see, I'm no English major, but I'm pretty sure that the first version is suggesting that we cannibalize a poor Grandma, while the second is just innocently urging a Grandma to start eating.

You see? Commas save lives.

Other than commas, makayla_ED seems to also forget about putting periods or capitalizes random letters - also a huge no-no.

If you have any more questions, I'm willing to answer if I could. I'd be willing to read the story and comment on plot once it's properly edited.


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comment your own thoughts on this book, maybe some suggestions for the author or me? inform me of any mistakes.

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