Taking it back

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They all carefully walked in a triangle formation to see if they could track them but all of a sudden... was it .... music coming out of the speaker (YouTube video above).

"God they know exactly how to pull at my stings"Ethan shivered as the music crept into his ears. Mark and jack were apparently unphased by the music and down the corridor a chorus of screams stampeded down the corridor. This alerted the trio that they needed to find the culprits and fast. Otherwise they couldn't imagine the damage that these guys could cause...

The screams were never ending. One minute the screams echoed from behind them and the next it bellowed from the doors at the side of them, this sent shivers down the hall to all that endured these horrified screams. Ethan had never had to deal with any sort of terror like this, the most he'd ever had to deal with is a few video game scares but never anything in real life, but jack and mark had dealt with this for eons.

Just at the moment when there were a brief break in the screams, blood had appeared to the left door, so the trio stopped to investigate. They'd never expected them to go this far. As they opened the door to stage 2 they saw a horrifying image, like one ripped straight out of a video game,  but to their dismay this wasn't virtual reality.

Once they'd opened the door there was no way to un-see what they'd witnessed. The door creaked open Jack, Mark and Ethan were all exposed to a room full of lifeless bodies, they looked upon them with deathly silence as they caught a glimpse of someone taking their final breath and all their faces dropped. The room was dripping in blood of all the victims of these heinous crimes. The bodies all had different cuts and wounds on them varying from blows to the head, stabs to the chest and massive cuts along their arms to  opened chests and legs strewn across the room and heads are hung up from the roof of the stage then underneath all the heads there was a sign and it read this is what happens when you don't let us out to play. This immediately sent shivers down Mark and Jack's backs. This made all three of them turn as pale as one of the bodies that lay in front of them.
"N-n-n-no this cant be real" Jack stuttered.
"There's no way that it isn't... are you looking at the same thing I am?" Mark decided to take a look around to see if they were back stage but the same scene was there as it was when they entered the room.
"I think it's clear. But backstage ain't prettier." It pained mark to have to say this, but he knew what they'd have to do to stop this madness. Then from just in front of them they heard a familiar laugh from overhead. Then it spoke,
"You want to find us now don't you?" Then, with only the sound of a door closing, the creature vanished into the corridors once again.
"Never heard that one before." Ethan nervously said.
"Yeh, that ones new..." Jack said before a light switched on inside his head "Wait is Pewdipie here this year?"
"He's here, he came for some panels this year why?" Mark wondered.
"Doesn't he have someone out to kill him like our... issues?" Jack stated.
"You don't mean... no it couldn't possibly be..." Ethan had finally grasped the situation that they were now in. There were now 3 creatures out to kill and they're all loose in the building.

All of the trio the ventures back out to the hallway, towards the entrance, they are met with a wave of blue lights and sounds of pure freedom as the police only just arrive at the scene. Mark, Jack and Ethan all sprint with their hands up hurling themselves towards the exit in hopes that this would be the end of this nightmare. But what they faced was anything but freedom.

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