This is bad/Wrong choices/Lets finish this once and for all!/It's all over

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A/N Before the grand finale I want to say that I rolled 4 chapters into this chapter just to make it slightly easier for me to write . 

Now enough of me talking ONWARD WITH THE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no one's POV

A notification simultaneously appeared on Mark and Ethan phones, it was Jack's channel, they all pressed it to see Jack tied to a chair, they knew immediately knew where he was and Mark hoisted Jacob on his shoulders without thinking and they started to sprint to where vidcon should've been. They weren't going to loose Jack not again!

They ran like their lives depended on it and arrived back at the scene of where it all started. The wreckage's of all the hollow police cars still present, untouched. They all then looked over to the door, it was illuminated with red, green and blue, with splashes of blood on the door.

Then some sort of hole appeared beneath Jacob and he disappeared with a scream, and the hole disappeared promptly. Mark and Ethan turned around in unison only to be grabbed from behind and knocked out. "Hehehehe Welcome back you two."

Mark POV 

My eyes flutter open to find I'm was strapped to a chair with chains, then ominous footsteps came from infront of me, but all he could see was darkness, "Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Your fans have been waiting." My heart starts to beat faster and faster, like at any time it could pop out of my chest

"Where's everyone else?!" Then I hear a chuckle, a loud wicked chuckle, that made Mark shiver.

"Mark oh Mark oh Mark, always so concerned about other people that you don't even realise how much trouble you're actually in." It said menacingly. It's voice echoing.

"I don't care, this isn't between you and them it's me you want so just let the others go."

"Oh no no no no. We can't do that." 

"I have a bone to pick with Jack myself." A different insane voice said from the darkness. I know who that is.

"Just leave them out of this! I will take their place, just don't hurt them!" I plead, but I hear two sets of laughter while I'm saying this, god damn it, I just hope that every one else is alright.

Ethan POV

Where the fuck am I, I can't see a thing! I try to stand up but all I do is fall, damn what did they do to me. The lights flicker on, the first thing I notice is that everything is green, blue and red. Then I take note of 4 walls around me, with no door in sight. "Hello Ethan, you didn't think we could play like this did you now."

"Where am I?! And what the hell do you mean by 'play' THIS IS TORTURE!!"

"Well that's just how we play, I guess they never told you about us and what they did to us then, tch typical"

"Look, you guys caused the trouble, no wonder Jack and Mark had to hide you away from people."

"O hoho, that's the best thing I've heard all day, you guys think that just because you are famous you can just shove people like us away and pretend that we don't exist, BUT NEWS FLASH YOU CAN'T."  It yelled down the speakers, I covered my ears it was that loud.

"That is NOT what they did at all!" I shouted.

"Well your going to see what their fate is going to be"

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