Covered In Dust

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When people began disappearing on titan, Peter panicked. When he was the last one left, he cried. When he went down to earth, ignoring the searing pain throughout his body that was slowly dying down, he couldn't find anyone. He sent out messages through the TV, YouTube any social media's and nobody answered. He was the last person on earth.

Other planets were luckier. Only some of their population disappeared, everyone on earth had been turned to dust. It was just a lucky draw. Thanos couldn't control how many people from each planet disappeared and that was what caused this.

As Peter walked through the silent city, he was unaware that he was being watched. The heaven gers and Guardians were watching him but they couldn't be seen by him. They were essentially ghosts.

They tried gaining the teens attention but he couldn't hear them. He just continued searching the destroyed city that was once filled with life. They watched the only survivor struggle with survivors guilt. Watched as he went home to his apartment and tore it apart with tears streaming down his cheeks when there was nobody home. They watched a teenager tear himself apart because he was the only living being left on earth.

Peter did tests and it turned out his spider healing was stopping him from being turned to dust. It was protecting him from dying at all. He could be cut to pieces and his healing factor would put him back together, keeping him alive the entire time. So he set to work looking for a way to get rid of his powers. The ghosts watched him with sad eyes.

When Peter finally found a way to be rid of his healing factor, he began hearing things. Hearing people pleading with him to not do it, to not throw away his life. He responded that he couldn't live if he was alone. He didn't care that he might look crazy, its not like there was anyone who could see or hear him anyway.

He continued his plan and when he started to turn to dust, he smiled for the first time since everyone disappeared. He woke up surrounded by his team and after a few teary eyes and hugs later, they were swallowed by a bright light that took them away from the abandoned planet.

He was finally home.

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