Day 1

54 7 6

All country's have joined

Britain: anyone up for some crumpets?

America: who cares we need to build a wall over Mexico and make Denmark pay for ITT!

Denmark: what did I do?

Germany: hey guy!

Norway: my name is jeff- I mean Norway

Italy: Germany let's re create our empire and be great again! How's banana split?

Germany: hell no

Russia: can you guys stop calling me that it's not my fault I'm split in 2 continents

Antarctica: can someone turn the heating on its freezing!

Spain: no turn it off its cold out here!

Antarctica: no its cold!

Spain: Hot!

Antarctica: no cold!

Spain: hot!!!!

Switzerland: geese luise

Norway: shut it you!

Switzerland: you shut it!

Finland: why do I always have to be the responsible one

Norway: no one likes you!

Finland: but the author does!

Italy: the author also likes my food

Panama: I'm rubbish at football

Brazil: no your not you made it into the world Cup last year

(server crashed)

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