The Strange LeStrange...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters

Narrator's POV

Tomorrow came by quickly, the Inner Circle met and Harry found himself facing Draco and Theodore, Cedric behind him as always.

He was once again Lady Tenebris, though his veil had been flipped so his face was revealed.

Draco and Theodore hadn't had much of a shock to see him, the Dark Lady suspecting that their fathers had told them.

The four of them were the only people in the room, the Dark Lord having taken his Inner Circle to the war room to discuss the proper plans for the break-in.

Lady Tenebris sat in his chair, "Draco, Theodore, I believe you know why you are here?"

Theodore nodded, "Yes, my Lady, you have chosen us to serve in your Guard."

The Dark Lady smiled, "Indeed. But first, you must swear yourselves to me and our Lord."

Draco went first, kneeling before Lady Tenebris, "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, my chosen Lord and Lady. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it."

"I, Theodore Tadeus Nott, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, my chosen Lord and Lady. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Theodore quickly pledged, kneeling as well

The Dark Lady smiled and pulled out his wand, pressing it to Draco's forearm, "Morsmordre."

The silver outlined Dark Mark appeared on Draco's arm that had purple letters on it that read 'Guard'.

The silver outlined Dark Mark appeared on Draco's arm that had purple letters on it that read 'Guard'

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Draco bowed and Theodore received the same mark.

Thad when the Guard behind the Dark Lady stepped forward and removed his mask to reveal Cedric Diggory.

Draco and Theodore looked surprised, "Diggory?"

Cedric nodded, "That's me."

Lady Tenebris looked at the new recruits, "Cedric is the Head Guard, he will give you two your uniforms. Afterwards, we will be joining the others in the War Room."

The two boys wasted no time getting changed and they went into the room, now they were heading to Azkaban.


Minutes later, the Dark Lord made his way through the halls of Azkaban, searching for his most loyal.

He found the three LeStranges in a cell together near the top floor.

Bellatrix gasped as she noticed him, "My Lord, I knew you'd return!"

Lord Voldemort didn't reply, merely unlocking the cell with a wave of magic.

The trio stepped out and the four people made their way down the stairs, finding all the Aurors dead or unconscious, the Dementors staying out of their way.

On the first floor, all those being rescued were there, so the Dark Lord apparated everyone to Riddle Manor.

Narcissa Malfoy was waiting for them, since she was a healer in every way but with no license, she was quick to tend to her sister and her family, as well as the other two they broke out:  Antonin Dolohov and Augustus Rookwood.

The five rescued were taken to what was once the servant's quarters that had been changed to an infirmary and they were tested for injuries both mental and physical.

The Inner Circle and Guard soon left so only Tom, Harry, and Narcissa remained in the house as well as those needing medical attention.

"Any issues, Narcissa?" Tom asked, looking at the five on the cots

"No major physical injuries, thankfully, some bruises and infected cuts but nothing life threatening, my Lord. I haven't begun mental testing yet but I doubt it will be very good." Narcissa answered

Hours later, the healing magic was doing its work when Bellatrix woke up, "Where's my baby!?"


Fifteen years earlier, Bellatrix LeStrange stood in her family home, holding her year old son in her arms.

News of the Dark Lord's defeat had made its way over and she was horrified, how could he be defeated? By a child the same age as her son no less?

The baby in her arms cooed, sensing his mother's fear, she smiled weakly at her baby, "I love you too, Rigel."

Unfortunately, their peace didn't last long before the Ministry burst into their home, lead by Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom.

Bellatrix ran, holding her son as Rodolphus and Rabastan bought her time.

But it enough time was bought before a stunner was thrown at her before she could reach her emergency portkey.

She watched as her baby was taken from her arms.

Bellatrix and her husband and brother-in-law were thrown into Azkaban without a trial, assuming the worst about their youngest family member.

She sobbed, her life had fallen apart around her, her Lord and son were dead.

Her only comfort was that she heard the curses that had bought her moments had left Alice and Frank insane.


Across England, Neville Longbottom was hiding in his room, hoping his grandmother forgot he was there.

She was drunk, like always, and when she had seen him this morning, she had beaten him with a broom.

His back was covered in dried blood but he couldn't care less right now, he had to stay silent under his bed.

Neville silently cried, why did she hate him so, he was a baby when his parents were attacked, what was he supposed have done?...

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