A Strange Family...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters

Narrator's POV

Neville, still under his bed, gathered up all his courage and got out from under the bed.

Once out, he tip-toed to the family owl and began to write a letter to the only person he thought could help him: Harry.


Hey, mate, sorry to bother you but I need you help. Preferably whenever you read this. My nan is drunk and is beating me whenever she lays eyes on me. Please help me. Please hurry.

Neville Longbottom

Neville gulped as he watched the owl fly away, hopefully Harry got the letter soon.


Harry was on Tom's lap like always, they were in the latter's office.

They were planning a raid but figuring out the specifics, when they heard a tapping on the window.

Harry's first reaction was thinking Hedwig was there, but it wasn't her but a old looking brown owl.

Tom got up, putting Harry on the desk and approached the owl with caution, wand out just in case.

He took the letter from the owl and it flew away, Tom carefully opened it, prepared for something to jump out.

Tom read the letter and handed it to Harry, "It's for you."

Harry read the letter and gasped, "I have to help him!"

Tom stopped his pounce to get started, "Love, think for a moment. Could this be a trap?"

"No, no one knows I'm the Lady." Harry said, getting impatient, the Gryffindor nature interfering

"If you're so set on going, take your guard." Tom said, summoning the three guard members

Harry hugged him and rushed to save his friend.


Harry and his Guard flooed to the Longbottom House, seeing Augusta Longbottom sitting on the couch, a petrified Neville behind her.

Augusta looked at the four people that entered her home, "So, he wrote to you? The stupid boy didn't even bother to make a plan."

"Let him go." Harry said, pointing his wand at her

"No, the little waste has some purpose still. You're not the only one born on July 31." Augusta said, "If you die, no big deal, Neville can kill You-Know-Who."

Harry connected things together, "Let him go, or else."

"Else what?" Augusta laughed, "You'll make me float? What are you gonna do, little boy? You're not needed."

Draco, Theo and Cedric surrounded her, waiting for orders.

"Unfreeze Neville, now." Harry ordered, "Or else you'll find four little school boys can crucio you to hell."

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