Pt 20: Good Time Spent Together

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This part is dedicated to saher344 specially, because she wanted this since long.
Finally i was able to update this after 2 long moths!

Let's begin...

Ragini enters the room with a tray

And she sees sanskar who is about to come out of the room

Ragini:what i told? And what are you doing, may i know..?

Sanskar bites his lips:i.. I am fine and i thought...

Ragini interrupts:i thought of why to disturb your sleep. Isn't it?

Sanskar was confused that how did she got to know about what he was going to say?

Ragini:you face states that, now don't think too much.. Come on quick sit.. Have dinner and take the tablets.

Sanskar :but..

Ragini interrupts:but.. I will listen to everything later, i have lot of time to listen you....

Before she could continue, Sanskar :are you sure?

For a moment she looks at him, he had a look of cravings.. Yes he really do crave for the time where he could spend some valuable moments with her.

Ragini smiles:first have dinner

And Sanskar smiles automatically seeing her smiling..

She serves food on plate and gives to him...

Ragini:if you do like this na then definitely mom dad will punish me
She joked..

Ragini:but seriously.. You are playing with your health. I really don't like if YOU do such childishness. You are doing loads of works and care for everyone except yourself? How irresponsible you are? About yourself!! Better you change of this iron man attitude and start to care for yourself.

He was listening her each and every words.. Even though she was scolding him.. But it was a bliss for him. He smiled at his own thoughts, which Ragini failed to notice.

Yes, he is feeling that he is something to her. Yes he is something. Though his bhaiyya was away from him, he felt he was showing something to him. Which he didn't wanted to understand.

And pours water on glass, and he coughed which automatically made her to place the glass near his lips.. And he held the glass along with her hand and drank and she was patting his back on the other hand.
Sanskar looked at her care and concern for him,she is again trapping him. Yeah, Trapping him. Just some moments ago he decided that he will keep distance from her, to avoid the growing feelings in him for her. But.. What would he supposed to do to end cover and close his feelings? What would he do?.

Sanskar himself remembering her sentencd:and if you do like this then i don't know about mom dad but i would surely go mad as salman of tere naam.

Sometimes life takes an unexpected route to bring the happiness in your life. Where you may have to suffer a lot, thorn might prick you or you would be at the verge of losing everything, but that's something called FATE. The only thing where you can find different turns in each of the persons story.

Sanskar :you also have dinner.

Ragini presses her lips and curves down a bit:no.. Am not hungry.

Sanskar:oh madam, look who is saying this? You have given me the lecture for an hour about how careless I am? Just look at yourself!

Ragini scratches her forehead being embarrassed :it's.. It's really not necessary to eat if i am not hungry.

Sanskar tapered his eyes at her:oh really?

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