Chapter 12

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January 16th, 2014

Radleys POV

I still can't believe I agreed to stay with him.

What I couldn't believe anymore was that my parents agreed to it. My brother wasn't too happy about it though.

"If he even thinks about touching you in anyway, ima kill him. Seriously. But have a good night Rad."

I love that I have a brother like him that cares for me so much.

Harry has been so careful with me. And it's amazing. But I can't help but feel that he wants something more than just a friendship. And that worries me. I'm not ready for that at all.

He leads me into the beach house. More like beach freaking mansion.

"This place is beautiful Harry! And there's only two of you here?" As you walk in, there's a huge cozy living room, off to the right is a open kitchen, leading out into a lanai. And in the back is just a wall of windows with a view to the beach. I could live here and never get tired of that view.

"Ha, yeah for now. A few of the lads are coming down later. But it's just been me and the nialler. Come on, I'll show you to your room."

He leads me upstairs to a hallway with what looks like 5 bedrooms. He takes me to one on the right. It's twice as big as my room at home. It's simple and beautiful.

"I'll let you get settled. I'll be downstairs."

I take my time. Walking around the bedrooms. I walk into what I assume is Harry's. There's picture of what looks like his sister, and mom. He looks so happy with them, it's adorable. I know he's a really good guy.

I make my way downstairs and see that Harry is cooking something, with two glasses of champagne.

"I'm just throwing together some brownies. My mom used to say I made the best brownies." So. He's making brownies. He's perfect.

"I saw that picture of you and your mom and sister. You guys look really close."

"We are. Even though I love what I do. If I was to choose between being in 1D, and my family, I'd choose my family hands down."

"Wow. That's really amazing."

"Come on. Let ago watch tv."

I sit down on the couch and he sits down next to me. Not touching me. Respecting my space.

Harry, you're making it really hard for me not to like you.

"Got any requests on what to watch?"

"I'm good with whatever.

I pull out my phone and respond to a few texts from Walley, and Jennifer as Harry decides on a tv show. As I finish up the texts as he stops on a show.

"And then he touched me, and said no one could save me, and that no one in life was ever going to want me because he was going to make me so dirty," the girl on the tv show cried.

No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. He stopped on one of those tv shows about a girl getting raped. I can't, no. And here it comes.

"I... Uh.. Umm... Can y-y-you please ch-change the cha-n-n-nel?" My heart starts to beat at what feels like 1,000 beats a minute. I can barely breath. And I feel like I'm going crazy. My chest hurts, and I just want to crawl in a ball and forget about everything. I squeeze my eyes shut so tight, just in case I open them and see that scene again.

"Oh my god, oh no. I'm so so sorry Radley. I feel him lean towards me, but then backs away a little. "Can I umm, is it alright if I touch you?" I give him a very slight nod.

He then does something I don't expect. He picks me up bridal style and carries me into what I think is his bedroom. He sits down on the bed. With me on top of him. He wraps his arm around me slowly rubbing circles onto my leg. While holding one of my hands tightly with his.

"I remember when I was little. My mom used to take us to this ice cream show down the street. And I remember one time, I got a cone. It was my first time I had gotten a cone. And I dropped it! I think I cried for a good hour but then my got me a new one with two scoops and I was the happiest kid ever."

"Another time, we were in ireland, it was when we were first getting big. And I don't think we realized it. We went out for lunch. And we literally got chased down the street by like 50 girls for I think 2 miles. I had never run that fast in my entire life."

"Do you know how many times I have tripped on stage? One time the only reason I didn't go into the crowd was because Liam and Louis grabbed me."

The more he tells stories, the more my breathing goes back to normal, and the more my mind gets off what was going on. It's like he knew exactly what was happening to me and knew exactly what to do to stop it.

He continues telling me stories for awhile before I think he thinks I'm asleep. Then he kisses my forehead, and starts to leave.

"Harry? Can you stay?"

"Of course." He gets us both under the covers into the bed, and lies down. I lay on my side, and he lays behind me with his arms wrapped around me in a protective way.

I slowly fall asleep thinking about how I never want him to leave me.

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