Chapter 91

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A few days have past. Ross is all cool with Justin hanging with Maya now knowing he or Maya have no feelings for the other. Maya has been hanging out with Justin a lot which is making a dent in her and Shor's friendship. Shor & Maya are no longer hanging out together at school bc Maya is always with Justin and after school Maya is always at Justin's house or Justin's at their's and they're just leaving Shor out which is making Shor feel really bad.

Shor:(laying down on the couch watching t.v all sad)

Max:(runs in and jumps on the couch getting on Shor and licking his face)

Shor:(sighs) Go away Max (pushes him off of him and onto the floor)

Max:(whimpers and walks off)


Ross:(walks down and sees Shor) Hey bud (sits next to him) Why are you watching the Mexican channel?


Ross:(knows there is something wrong) (turns off the t.v and looks at Shor) What's going on buddy?

Shor:(sits up still slumping) Nothing (sighs)

Ross: You can tell me anything Shor, what's the matter?

Shor: You wouldn't care

Ross: Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?

Shor:(looks at him) BC YOU WERE TO BLIND TO SEE HOW MISERABLE I AM FOR THE PAST WEEK!! (jumps off the couch and runs up to his room)

Max:(follows him)

Shor:(slams the door loud)


Laura:(walks in the house) I'm home (puts the groceries down)

Ross:(looks at her sad)

Laura: What's the matter? (sits next to him)

Ross: Be honest with me

Laura:(nods) Alright

Ross: Am I a bad father?

Laura:(shakes her head) Of course not. I mean look how good you made Maya turn out to be

Ross:(sighs) I guess

Laura: What's the matter Ross?

Ross: I don't know. I walked down and saw Shor all down in the dumps. As a caring father I asked him what was going on but then he just snapped and yelled at me

Laura: Don't take it personal Ross

Ross: Maybe he's right though. He said he's been sad for the past week and I was to blind to notice

Laura:(thinks and eyes widen) Oh no

Ross: What?

Laura: When did Justin come over?

Ross: Last wee--- Oh......

Laura: Yeah

Ross:(sighs) I am a bad father! (hits the couch)

Laura: Don't say that baby

Ross:(sighs) Sorry

Laura: What are we gonna do?

Ross: Simple. Forbid Maya on seeing Justin, done

Laura:(rolls her eyes) We need a GOOD idea!

Ross: At least I'm trying here!

Laura:(rolls her eyes) We'll just talk to Maya when she comes home tomorrow

Ross: What are you talking about?

Laura: She's at Justin's house sleeping over

Ross: What!? No way!

Laura: I thought you were good with Justin

Ross: I am but not when him and Maya are sleeping in the same roof in the same room!

Laura: Oh please Ross. They don't like eachother and they're only 6 years old

Ross: I still don't trust it. I am officially thinking my idea is not stupid and I think we should use that one

Laura:(rolls her eyes) No!

Ross:(pouts) You're no fun

Laura: We just got to think of a way for Maya not hanging out so much with Justin so she'll be able to hang out with Shor again and her family again

Ross: Okay. This is not what I want to discuss with my 6 year old daughter about. I thought this talk would be when she's older

Laura: So?

Ross: Well I had the talk at...... wait never mind

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Whatever

Ross: We should at least hang out with Shor for now

Laura: You're right, let's go see him (takes his hand and goes upstairs to Shor's room) (knocks) Shor open up please

Shor: Leave me alone

Laura: Please baby. For mommy

Shor:(sighs and opens the door looking at her)

Laura:(picks him up) We know what's wrong with you Shor

Shor:(Sighs) I just miss her mommy

Laura: I know you do baby but it'll be alright

Shor: How? All she's doing is hanging out with Justin. She has no time for me anymore (tears up)

Ross:(wipes her eyes) Don't cry buddy. We're gonna fix things

Shor:(sniffs) I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to yell at you

Ross:(Smiles) Its alright Shor, I know you didn't meant to (takes him off of Laura and hugs him) We're gonna find a way Shor. You and Maya are gonna be best friends again hanging out with eachother

Shor:(smiles hugging back) I hope so daddy. You promise?

Ross:(looks at Laura)

Laura:(smiles) We promise Shor

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