Chapter 136

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A few hours later

Laura:(grunts in her sleep)

Maya & Shor: Mom! (rushes up to her)

everyone:(walks up to her)

Laura:(slowly opens her eyes) Huh?

Shor: Mom. Are you okay?

Laura: Wh-What happened?

Stormie: Well you fainted just a couple hours ago

Laura: I did?

Riker: You don't remember any of this?

Laura:(Shakes her head)

Mark: Well once the doctor gave us the news about Ross, you just completely fainted

Laura: Oh

Rydel: Are you okay?

Laura: I little

Rocky: We're gonna go get you food

Laura: Where's Hunter?

Ratliff:(holding him) Right here (passes him to LAura)

Laura:(smiles weakly looking at Hunter) Hey baby

Hunter:(looks at her)

Laura:(kisses his head)

Stormie: We'll leave you to rest sweetie

everyone:(but the kids and Rydel walk out)

Rydel: Laura

Laura:(looks at her) Yeah?

Rydel: There's been something on my mind through all of this and I just got to let it out

Laura: Go ahead Rydel

Rydel: Why do you care about Ross? I mean not to be rude or anything. Before Ross got beaten he told me that you two got into a fight

Laura:(sighs remembering that day) Yeah but I was overreacting then

Rydel:(nods) What changed? I mean, the only time I saw you this hurt was when you guys were dating.... do you still love Ross?

Laura: What?! No!

Rydel:(gives her a look)

Shor & Maya:(looks at Laura)

Laura: I..... I don't know anymore

Rydel:(Smiles) Awe Laura!

Laura: But..... I still love Luke though

Shor: But mommy, you can't

Laura: Why not?

Shor: You love dad and you always will

Laura: Huh?

Maya: Mommy you can't

Laura: But sweetie--

Shor: Mom you don't know how much daddy loves you. He'd always cry himself to sleep, whenever he sees something that reminds him of you he'd always be sad and it happens a lot bc he always sees you in us and everywhere around the house, he always sings songs about you and you can tell from the passion and pain that he's expressing


Shor: Mom he loves you, please don't marry Luke

Laura: S-Sweetie..... I can't

Maya: You can't or you won't?

Laura: Sweetie I'm in love with someone else besides your father. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who won't hurt me all the time

Rydel: Laura let me tell you something, it's something that I always stick with. My status qou "Every girl has three guys in her life; the she loves, the one she hates, and the one she can't live without, but in the end, they're all the same guy

Laura: Your point is?

Rydel: I'm just saying that sure Ross messed up a lot and sure you get annoyed with him but know you still love him and that you can't live without him

Laura: Yeah right

Rydel: Laura you were practically showing everyone how much you couldn't live without him and from the looks of it, you love him as a best friend or even more

Laura:(looks at the kids)

Shor: You always have dad to be those three guys mom

Maya: Then one you hate, love and can't live without, that's dad

Laura: Luke's that to

Rydel: Has he ever made you mad?

Laura:(shakes her head)

Rydel: Does he love you?


Rydel: Did you ever think that you can't live without him?

Laura: Of course I do

Rydel: What makes you say that?

Laura: Bc he loves me and I love him

Rydel: That's your only reason?

Laura: No.... if I can't be with him..... I'd die

Rydel: Laura that's what you said about Ross

Laura: Well it's true

Rydel: For Ross or for Luke?

Shor & Maya:(looks at Laura)

Laura: Can you kids walk out please

Shor & Maya:(nods running out)

Laura: Rydel, I thought you were fine with Luke and me

Rydel: I am but I still ship you and Ross. A shipper never gives up on her ship, ever

Laura:(Rolls her eyes playfully) Whatever

Rydel: You never answered my question though

Laura: It's for Luke of course

Rydel: So you don't care about Ross anymore?

Laura: What?! No! I still care about him

Rydel: So you don't care about Luke then?

Laura: What?-- Rydel I care about them both

Rydel: Okay okay

Laura:(lays back in her bed relaxing looking at Hunter)

Rydel: I just have one question

Laura:(Groans) No

Rydel: It'll be quick and it's not about Ross or Luke

Laura: Okay, spill it

Rydel: Imagine Ross & Luke--

Laura: What happened to "It's not about Ross or Luke"

Rydel: I stretched it a little

Laura: Or a lot

Rydel:(waves off the question) Doesn't matter. Anyways, imagine Ross & Luke were both kidnapped by the same guy and you come to save them but the kidnapper threatens to shoot one of them holding up a gun to both of them. Who would you take a bullet for? Ross or Luke?

Laura: You're unreasonable

Rydel: I try, now answer

Laura: Come on Rydel

Rydel: Stop stalling and give me a damn answer. Ross or Luke?


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