When There's Blood in the Water

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Helpy's chest flared with panic as darkness clouded his vision. Where was he? All he had remembered was Freddy Fazbear knocking him, Ennard, and Golden Freddy out. Helpy was trapped. Trapped again where no one could hear his screams. Light suddenly filled the darkness as a door opened to reveal Freddy Fazbear. The brown bear's fur sleek and clean, as if he had recently been cleaned. 

"Hello, Helpy. That is your name, correct?" 

Helpy nodded, too scared to speak.

"Do not worry. I'm just here to talk to you. I have an offer to make you." the older bear said.

"An offer?" Helpy echoed.

"Yes, join us. Join my band and you'll be free. You won't have to worry about anything. No more hiding, no more running away, no more death. Just freedom." 

"B-but what about Ennard and Golden Freddy?" 

"They're in safe hands, Helpy. So, will you join us?"

"Are Ennard and Golden Freddy joining, too?" Helpy asked.

"Yes," Freddy's blue eyes glossed over with a sudden darkness. "Now, I have something to show you." 

Freddy stepped closer to Helpy, causing the young bear to flinch. Freddy reached around and untied Helpy from the chair and picked him up. He exited the room, walking into a light filled hallway. The hallway's walls were white and almost blinding, yet there was something about the hallways that Helpy remembered. The young bear gulped as Freddy continued to carry him through the hallway. The hallway branched out into a bigger room where Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy were waiting. The blood red fox flicked his ears. 

"Cap'n," his voice was harsh and rough. "We've found their bodies and fixed them."

"Good. Are they awake yet?" Freddy asked.

"Aye, should me bring 'em out?"

Freddy nodded. Foxy limped toward a metal door to the right, causing Helpy to look at his foot. It was twisted in an awful way; its fur ripped from it, exposing an endo skeleton. Foxy disappeared into the room, only to return a few moments later with a chain leash in his left hand. He was dragged something out into the open; it was Baby. Her orange hair was replaced with orange, blue, red, and yellow wires, her face was distorted with holes riddling it, her right hand was a giant claw, and her left arm was nothing besides wires. Foxy dragged her across the floor before stopping in front of Freddy and Helpy. Baby growled and started to scream. 

"HELP ME. HELP ME. HELP ME." she screeched. 

With a swift movement, Freddy kicked her head. She hissed and stopped screaming. Bonnie walked toward them with a chain leash like Foxy's in his hands, he was dragging  a lump of what seemed to be wires. He kicked it, causing it to swiftly jerk up. It was Funtime Freddy; he was nothing, but wires and a head. His once light purple muzzle was now a dirty brown stained with blood, his teeth were sharp, his face was ripped apart with holes, and only one orange eye remained. 

"D-Dad..." Helpy sobbed. 

"We saved them, Helpy. Do you see what we can do? We can bring people back to life. We create life. Isn't it amazing?" Freddy asked, his grip tight on Helpy.

"N-no! This is awful! It's wrong!" Helpy cried.

"I thought you wanted them to come back. You should be more grateful to your saviors, you know. Just wait until Michael gets here. I wonder what he'll think of you." Freddy growled. 

"Michael? Isn't he in jail?" 

Bonnie barked out a laugh. "No human jail can contain our savior!" 

"Savior?" Helpy's stomach stirred with horror and confusion.

"He saved us, just as we saved Baby and Funtime Freddy." Chica explained. 

"He's our hero." Foxy added. 

"He's our god. We'll do anything to please him." Freddy said, his voice hard and cold. 

Helpy gulped. "Is that why you did that to Dad and Baby? To please Michael? What does he want with them? What does he want with us?" 

"That is forbidden information. Now, let's get you into your new cage." Freddy began to walk towards a large cage in the corner of the room.

Helpy's heart dropped to his stomach as he recognized Mangle's bleeding body inside of it. 

"We thought you would like your friend to stay with you." Freddy explained.

The world spun around Helpy as Freddy roughly threw him into the cage and locked it. Helpy's head hit the cage's metal bars, making it pound as he cough up oil. Freddy stared down at Helpy with cold ice blue eyes. "Good luck. Let's hope you survive long enough for Michael to get here." 

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