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I slowly turned around. The dawn of a smile was shining through my lips.
"Don't go" She repeated, half whisper, half cry.
I turned around fully. Directly looking at her. Now that she was close up, she was quite short, around 5'3 maybe. She looked up at me and I waited for her to say something.

I raised my eyebrows to show her I was waiting for her to speak. She picked at her eyebrows then said "Stay, let's talk about it"
"What's there to talk about" I inquired "We had sex and that's all"
She shushed me, looking around as if people could hear. "Let's go somewhere private" she gestured to my car and I opened to door for her to get in. When I got in, I saw there was spillage on my back seat from last night so I chucked a clothe over it so she wouldn't see.

"But why would you have sex with a drunk stranger" Nakida asked scratching her head,clearly confused. We were parked in an abandoned garage in the midst of cars ready to be destroyed.
I bit my lip, unaware of how to reply to her
"I don't want to come off as a stalker but I had my eyes on you in the bar. You were... no you are beautiful and I'm not just saying it"
Nakida furrowed her eyebrows. I could tell she had a hard time believing me. "Mmm" she coughed, slowly nodding her head. " So you targeted me? She said tilting her head to the side.
"No. No not at all" I said waving my hand in the air. "I mean. I wanted to speak to you but then I decided against it and left"
She looked even more confused.
"After I left. You came to me, you basically asked for it....
She slapped me right across the face. I could feel blood rushing to my left cheek. I was aware that my yellow face had turned red.
"I asked for it?" She shouted " I was drunk! Unaware of what was happening. You basically raped me"
"What?" I said. Obviously my poor luck had messed things up before they even began. I grabbed hold of her hand "Believe me. I'm not your regular smooth guy than can have you falling head over heels but I'm not some creep. I see you Nakida. You. I don't know about tomorrow but here and now you're the one"

Really Clarence. What kind of nonsense are you spitting out. I thought to myself. This is a bit cringe but there comes a time where a man has to shoot his shot.

I exhaled as silence filled the car. The silence was deafening. I looked at Nakida, patiently awaiting a reply and all I could think of was Shit shit shit. Over and over again. Shit.

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