Niall Gravely Ill Part 2

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Louis' p.o.v:

Seeing Ni so sick suddenly was devastating. We all knew that there was no way we could get Niall, and anyone else, out of our schedule.

After the shower, I had brought Niall out to the "living room" of the bus to try to get some rest on the couch. I got him a bucket and a blanket, making sure the water bottle that Liam grabbed earlier was in reach. I sat down on the couch and Niall climbed on a second later, deciding that my leg would make a good pillow. He dosed off a few moments after I turned on the telly.

After around 5 minutes of him sleeping Liam shuffled in looking nervous. "Hey what's going on?" I asked him upon seeing his worry stricken face.

"It's been almost an hour since I talked to Paul and he said that he would call me back but he hasn't. I mean we were supposed to be at the interview 30 minutes ago. I don't know should I have anything to worry about???" Liam whispered frantically. I felt Ni stir, causing me to look down, just in time to see the lads face contort in pain.

"Ni? What's wrong?" He wrapped an arm around his stomach and curled into a fetal position.

"Cramps..." he explained through gritted teeth. His eyes shot open and he scrabbled up and off the couch, nearly shoving me over in the process when I jumped up to follow him.

With no time to close the door, he rushed to the bathroom, fumbling with the waistline on his pants. He pushed them down letting them pool at his ankles and sat on the toilet within the mater of a few seconds, just in time for his bowls to harshly evacuate. He leaned forward and rested his head on the palm of one of his hands. He let out a pitiful groan.

"You okay?" I asked sadly. He nodded, much to my surprise. He looked up to me with glazed over eyes.

"I'm sorry." I looked at him confused and waited for him to continue. "For you having to see this... all of you. It's awful and awkwa- owwww....." He was forced to stop talking as another wave of pain led to more painful pushing. Once he was able to straighten up, he looked back up at me. "What do you reckon this is?" He asked, referring to this sickness that caught everyone off guard.

I sighed. "I don't know bud. It could be anything. My guess is you caught a bug of sorts."

"Yeah..." he agreed. He leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Do you think you're done?" He shrugged in response.

"I think so... maybe...?" I stood from my spot and knelt down in front of him.

"How about I help you up and into the shower again then." He nodded, grabbing my hands. I gently pulled him up.

"Stop! Stop, please, ow...." Niall panted, causing me to let go in an instant.

"What!? What's wrong!?" I blurted, seeing Niall fold in half, hugging his stomach life his life depended on on it. Niall groaned loudly.

"M-My stomach...." He fell back onto the toilet and in a blur, his arm shot to grab the bin that was beside the toilet. He just managed to get it under his chin as a huge wave of slightly undigested came rushing past his lips. I cringed, hearing the crinkle of the plastic. He took a single deep breath and was right back at it. Only this time, I heard a loud fart echo off the bowl walls as he lost it violently from both ends.

I knelt down and rubbed his back lightly, grazing my nails on his sweat soaked shirt. I couldn't help but wish it were me and not him. What did he even do to deserve this?

Liam's p.o.v:

I was about to rush after Ni and Lou when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out, gratefully seeing Paul's name on the screen. I answered it, not a second later.

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