Niall Gravely Ill Part 3

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Niall's p.o.v:

"Are you sure you are feeling better?" Louis questioned, swinging himself in front of me as we walked out of the hospital doors.

"Louis... for the last time, yes! I was just in there for three days. The only thing I'm feeling now, is sore from all the vomiting. I'm fine." Louis looked a bit upset by my outburst, but nodded anyway. I could see the hurt in his eye, causing guilt to well within me. The truth was, I was far from okay, but I didn't want the lads to know that. I could handle it myself from here on out. I was tired.

You see, when all of this started, a few days ago, the boys had taken me to the doctors office nearest us after I caved. Truth is, I didn't want to go, but once I got there, I knew it was for the best. It seemed that my symptoms would get worse before they got better. After nearly passing out after getting off the bed, the doctor had said that I needed to go to the hospital. I was trying to tell them it was nothing but he explained that either he phoned for an ambulance, or the lads took me. Everyone chose the latter.

On the way there I was constantly groaning. I felt beyond sick and I kept feeling the urge to use the bathroom. I hated every second of it. I was squirming in my seat, trying to hold off the urge to be sick and/or shit. (AN: I'm really torturing poor Ni, aren't I?)

I nervously glanced down at the plastic shopping bag in my hand. I knew that if I did vomit, I wouldn't just be sick from that end.

"Haz..." I whimpered. He turned in his seat to look back at me.

"Yeah Ni, you alright?" He asked, concerned. I shook my head slightly.

"Did you pack another pair?" His face softened some.

"Underwear?" I nodded, even though I just wanted to hide. "I packed around 5 pairs. I didn't want to risk anything... do you-"

"I'm about to..." I said cutting him off.

"We could stop somewhere if you need to, but we only have, like, 5 more minutes left in the drive." The driver asked. I shook my head, knowing I wouldn't be able to make it even if I tried. I felt my stomach make a powerful lurch and quickly opened the bag, shooting over it with a gag. I felt Liam's hand on my back as I sat breathing heavily, trying to avoid losing everything.

Unfortunately, my breath hitched and I found myself wretching hard, sure enough, causing spillage from the other end just a couple wretches in. I managed to choke up some bile and somehow felt a bit better. I closed the bag and rested my head in my arms, folding in on myself completely.

I sniffled, noticing that my nose was running. Whoever it was sitting on the other side of me must have took it as me crying because I felt a second hand on my back. I wanted to cry, but I just had no energy. "Ohhh... I feel like shit..."

"Almost there bud." The driver informed me.

"When we get into the hospital you can change." I heard Harry speak up. "If you want, I could come in with you and help."

"Ok." I said, not really wanting to say much more. My stomach was shifting dangerously again. I felt as if one bump in the road would cause me to tip over the edge again.

As my luck would have it a couple seconds later, we were pulling into the car park, hitting every bump along the way. One again, I was forced over the bag.

We sat in the waiting room for around 30 minutes. I guess the nurses got tired of hearing me vomit, or trying to, because it was a pretty short wait that was full of loud puking.

After a diagnosis of a severe strain of the flu, I was told I had to be admitted. Which I was for a few days. While I was in hospital, all of the boys were smothering me and I didn't really like that. It felt overwhelming.

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