Chapter one

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**I apologise in advance if this is a terrible fan fiction haha**

The last thing I remember before the darkness swallowed me was the strong smell of smoke and debrae burning my nostrils, choking me from the inside and the quick, cold snap of wind hitting my face. I felt myself being lifted from the ground and I let out a small whimper, as my head

pounded against my skull, a trail of blood dripping down my face. I managed to catch one last glimpse of the burning mess lay'd before me, of which used to be my home, before my eye's finally closed for good.

* * *

I awake in the arms of a beautiful face, a familiar face. I feel myself being gently lay on a small, soft bed and a warm blanket being draped over me. I peer through my lashes and see the worried stubbly face of Cass, who I've begun to state as my guardian angel. Over the past couple of months, Cass has been there to help me when i've been in most need of it. He wasn't alone, stood beside him were 3 other men. One of the men on the rather bulky side with huge shoulders, a muscular chest (from which I could see) nice, profound cheek bones, a broad nose and ashen, sullen eye's, with dark hair surrounding his face. His companion to the left of him, stood smaller than him by a good few inches with short dirty blond hair, a nicely defined jaw, beautiful green eye's and a look of desperation on his face. Around his neck hung an odd looking pendant. Lastly was a man who looked old enough to be they're father. He was roughly around the same height as the second man, with a dark grey beard surrounding his mouth and cheeks, dark eye's which were half hidden by the cap of a hat and short dark hair. I tried to from some sort of a sentence, to communicate with them in anyway I could but my mind was still foggy from the smoke and I was forced to close my eye's again, unwillingly. Back into the darkness ...

* * *

I'm running through the woods away from whatever's behind me, hair flying in my face and into my mouth. I cant escape, I cant get away from this .. this .. THING! It always manages to find me. I'm panicking, sweat sleeking my forehead , pieces of hair sticking to my face. I trip on a tree root which is protruding from the ground. My foot gets trapped underneath making me fall, landing flat on my face. All around, unsettled leaves blow in the wind before gradually falling back and settling on the dank floor. All around me, there is nothing but insects chirping. I try and steady my breathing, straining my ears to listen for any other sound, for the creature approaching. Silence. I stay still, barely breathing, listening. Silence. Slowly, I push myself up off of the ground and steadily retreat to the nearest tree, behind me. I feel my hand brush the rough bark of the trunk, my fingers folding around the small wet branch. The smell of moist, rotten leaves evading my nose. I lean against the bark, my head pressed on the soft moss. My heart thudding ferociously in my chest, getting the best of my emotions as a trail of tears leave my eye's, sliding down my cheeks. 'What am I supposed to do... I lost my weapon somewhere behind me. I have nothing to defend myself with, what ca-' My thoughts are disrupted as I hear the soft crunch of dried up leaves to my left. My body tenses, my sweaty hands pressing deeper into the trunk, willing myself to melt away into the bark, as if I was never here. My heart feels like its about to burst from my chest. I slowly slid to the right, around the tree trunk getting ready to run when I feel something grab the bottom of my leg. I'm lifted from the ground, landing on my back. My head hitting a rock on the way down. My vision is blurred and my heads on fire. Slowly I lift my hand to my head, which meets the deep gash at the top and my hand is covered in blood. My blood. I groan softly, and try to sit up. Something pouncing on my, shoving me back to the ground, makes me hit my head again. Tears sting my eye's as my head feels like its about to explode. My stomach churns and all I want to do is throw up. Trying to stay conscience, I peer at my attacker through my heavily lidded lids. Nothing. Everything's just a blur. I try to scream again, but the way I landed has left me winded. Something sharp, jagged, rips across my chest and I feel more blood flowing from me. With any luck i'll die of blood loss instead of dinner to this dick. I open my eye's again and am relived to be able to see a little better. This thing lying on top of me, with its rotten, peeling skin and lifeless eye's, I know what it is, I'm just having trouble remembering with the sudden blow to the head.. Its sharp claws rip across my chest again and I scream in agony. I just wanted it to be over. This pain, welling up inside of me, I cant stand it any longer. With one last glance I see the creatures head lift, before delving into my stomach. I feel it ripping into my skin, peeling away as much as It can. His hand rip away pieces of me, shoving them greedily into his mouth. There's blood everywhere, all I can see is red. My body is on fire, blood squirting everywhere. The last thing I can think before I'm granted the gift of darkness is, 'WENDIGO'

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