Chapter 5

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I feel weightless in Sams arms on the rushed walk outside, my head lolling slightly over Sams arms. I feel myself being Slowly placed down on smooth leather interior and that's when in know I'm inside his car.

I hear something beside me, a soft droning noise and when I open my eyes i see sam. He's snapping his fingers in my face. I look at his lips and realise he's telling me to stay awake. I can't, it's too hard. I roll onto my side and put my head down on the wonderfully smooth leather and I feel at ease. All my worries disappearing as I went into a never ending sleep. I felt happy.

I felt a sudden stinging sensation on my thigh, only to realise sam had slapped me to try and keep me awake. I feel myself being pulled into a sitting position and then i feel him beside me.

The whole ride was a slow drone on the way to the hospital. Every once in a while I'd feel a sharp slap to my thigh with the instructions to stay awake and that if i got blood in deans car, he'd kill me when we got back.

If we got back was all I could think. But I didn't mind. Not one bit.

After a while we stopped outside a small hospital that read 'soux falls general'. I felt myself being slowly lifted again from the car and rushed inside. I heard a lot of shouting between Sam and a nurse at the desk before being exchanged between arms and then being layed down on a hospital bed.

The rest was a blur after that but I remember the piercing feeling of a needle and a slow trickle of fluid into my arm.


I feel sick. I try to open my eyes but everything is blurry and messed up. I feel strange. Like jelly. I can't move my arms or legs or lift my head. Whatever they've given me has worked. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. My visions still a little blurry but I can see something hovering over me. I don't like it. I don't like not knowing who it is. I feel panicking.

I feel a sharp sting coming from my arm and I know someone's taken out my drip. It hurts and I feel a little blood on my arm.

'Did that hurt?' Someone asked maliciously

'Good' they say again before laughing and grabbing me by the neck.

I feel myself lifted abruptly from my bed, tangled in the mounds of wire I am attached and struggle to breathe. I try to fight back, to do anything just to be able to breathe but I Still don't have control of my arms or legs and I still can't see right.

The hands tighten around my neck, crushing my windpipe and i let out a strangled noise. I feel dizzy, the lack of oxygen taking a toll on my body, slowly losing conscience when I feel myself being dropped back onto the bed and hearing shouts of Latin beside me and I know that Sams here and I know that I'm safe now.

Safer than before anyway..

The Winchesters; Angel on my shoulder (Supernatural FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now