Chapter two

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*Sorry for taking so long on upadating, Ive been so busy. Not a lot happens in this chapter, just finding my way for this book. Hope you enjoy anyway! Thanks :3*

I wake up screaming, cold sweat covering my body. My voice is loud and hoarse and my breathing laboured, coming out in gasps. I look around me, trying to gather where I am. Panic washes over me as I cant place my surroundings. I catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye and twist round to see one of the men who was hovering over me, sitting on a chair. Relief washed over me as I remember Cas and how he must have brought me here and I feel my body began to relax slightly. The man in the corner looks slightly startled at my sudden outburst.

 'Um..' He says, rather uncomfortably 'Are you OK over there?'

I try to steady my breathing so that I can answer but I take's me a while.

'Im sorry.' I manage to blurt out, eventually. 'I-I had a nightmare ... I think.' I say, more to myself than to him.

'About what?' He asked, sounding curious.

I try to think about what It was I was dreaming about but Its all a little hazy.

'I-I'm not completely sure ..' Was all I could answer.

He looked at me, bemused.

'Well that's helpful.' He snorted.

I glare at him, slightly annoyed at how sarcastic he is.

'I was in the woods.' I muttered. 'and I was alone. It was really dark and I was running .. running away from something, but It kept managing to catch me. I lost my weapon and I didn't have anything to defend myself with against this ... thing. The last thing I remember is it ...' I stop talking, unsure whether to tell him, I mean he is a stranger after all. I didn't even know why I'm telling him it in the first place.

'Is it what?' He asks, clearly annoyed at the sudden stop in the story.

'Is it ripping into my stomach and e-eating my inside's.' I finish slowly.

I avoid looking at him as I try to remember anything of importance but nothing's come's to mind. This was the seventh time in a month i've had the same dream, and I always wake up screaming. I hated it. I look over at him to see him watching me carefully. I move from under the blanket which is wrapped around me, uncomfortable under his stare, and stand stretching.

'So .. whats your name?' I ask, changing the subject.

He stares at me for another few seconds before answering my question.

He clears his throat and stands up, swinging the chair he was sitting on away from him.

'Um, I'm Dean. Dean Winchester.' He says extending his hand to me. 'who are you, is the more important question. You must be important if Cass has dropped you here for us to look after you.'

'I'm Alyssa Hannigan.' I reply, ignoring his hand. 'and I do not need looking after.'  I add annoyed.

I walk around the room we are in, which appears to be a living room from what I can see. There are books covering every corner of the room, piled high on bookshelf's and desk's and wedged in between shelves.  Across from where I lay, which appears to be a couch bed at the window, is a study desk with yet more books piled high on top and old brown chair sitting underneath. To the left is an arch way leading into the kitchen. At the far end of the kitchen are counter tops alongside each other where the sink and cooker resides and a fridge at the end of the row. Another counter sits across from the sink with at least three or four phone's hovering above it. Even the kitchen seems to be littered with books too. I walk out and back into the other room, picking up a book as I walk along. Some big old book, a little dust residing on the top, called satanic rituals by Anton Szandor LAVey. I frown slightly, placing it back down and continue walking back into the room. Behind Dean is another table, covered in paper, books, some empty whisky bottles and a desk light shinning over an open book.

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