Part 3

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Part 3

'E-Ella?' The guy stupefied with her sudden attack but there was no question out when something soft touched his lips lightly. They both stalled for couple minutes until she pulled away.

The cottony cheeks now became red as well as her small ears. Even she bent down, he could feel her embarrassment.

'' Finally, he could find his word! Those slender fingers stroked his under lip and gazed down the girl before him with his eyes were about to lie on the floor.

Wh-what just happened!!??

'Sorry but I wanna request something!' Ella chinned up and faced him when she got back her strength.


'Err.. I know it might sound selfish but can er..we meet at the down town again?' She glanced over the shop's calendar as well as the woman standing outside under the falling snow.

'I know you might be busier than ever..' took care and stayed with that beautiful eonnie.

'But today next year can we meet again? Only the 1st December..'

She waited for a very long seconds. At last, he nodded his head without any question.

'At 12'oclock in the midday..' She continued and still he just nodded his head with that unread facial expression..

Perhaps he was bored with her crazy behavior lately..

Perhaps he didn't want to stand here any longer..

Ella sighed then waved him goodbye.

'Stay healthy, Ella! We will meet again, I promise!'


His bright smile at that time really stirred her head. She gasped when his strong back turned away.

'Oppa, I'll wait there until you come, no matter how many years pass by.. Only on the 1st December in any year..' She shouted at his back and looked down her feet.

Just a blink, her body was pulled in and her neck was lifted up.


She touched her forehead confusingly when that soft lip moved away.

'Don't say like this! I'll stand in front of you no matter what! How come I be with you stupid friend until now!? Ah, I gotta go now, I'll call when thing goes right! Take care and Goodbye' The guy messed her hair again and this time there was no more disturbance stopped his way.

'Good luck and Goodbye..' The girl whispered at the black van which disappeared under the snowfall.

She stretched out her arm, waiting for the small crystals.

'Welcome December!! This Winter will be colder than before..'


'Eonnie!!! Come here!!' I shook my head when something warm touched my wrist. Just then Anne with her exciting face hooked my arm to the living room.

'Waeyo?(why)' I sat on the sofa for her sake and fed myself a big slice of that sweet thing.

'Look!!' Anne crawled to the LCD and tapped hard on the screen. I glanced for a short time when it was some kind of music video then back to the book in my hand. To me, watching TV was not my hobby. I disliked drama and entertain program.

Even the social networking websites, I rarely scrolled to look. It wasn't because I was indifferent!

Just.. I did devote myself for work..and work only ever since then..

This new apartment rent expense was not that cheap! And I needed to earn much money to live happily with my only little sister. Our parents had passed away couple years ago in the car accident. I wanna be sad too but thing wouldn't be the same..

Hmm.. This world was too cruel; yet beautiful that I couldn't leave.

' Eonnie!! This part!!' Again, Anne tried to get my attention through the guys dancing on the TV's screen. I knew she was a k-poper but had never imagined she could be this severe.

Look at her bling bling eyes!!

'Hehh, I'm not that free to scream out loud at your favorite band!' I frowned when a girl in blonde hair clutched the voodoo doll and stabbed all over then laughed crazily.

It looked scary!! Uhh, why Anne watched this kind of thing!?

'Aniyo! You don't have to but I want to ask you something! I've been wondered this thing for ages!' She spoke while a guy in shabby clothes in one messy room popped up.

My jaw dropped when that fixed expression was really familiar with someone I knew. I rushed to the TV screen to make sure whether I was wrong or not.

'Taekwoon!' I knelt on the floor when that face really resembled someone, him!!

'Yeahh, that oppa!! Eonnie, I feel he looks like someone! He's so close with your high school friend, right? Though I rarely met him back then, I remembered his fixed facial expression!' Anne detailed but I was hearing nothing right now!! What and why was he there!!??

'Who're they, Anne??' I grabbed her hand and shook it to get the answer.

'Are you starting to be a k-poper now?? Ahh, my eonnie isn't an alien!!??' Anne shouted and danced around which ached my ears.

'Anne!!' I pulled her to sit down and concentrated on the mv which now turned to an exclusive interview. Of course, he stood there among other five guys.

' is the best start naaa~ They're amazing of all!! Alrightx3 I'll tell you!! Don't be this furious!' I calmed down and listened to Anne carefully.

'This tan handsome guy calls N, he's a leader. And this cutie enjoys doing the peace sign is Ken, he's the main vocal. The third person right there is Hyuk, the kawaii maknae. And-'

I watched Anne described these guys one by one curiously.

Hey, I didn't mean to know them! Tell me that quiet one only!!

'I wanna know this man!!' I tapped on the guy sitting on the last seat.

'Ahh, I know! But lemme show you one by one first! Later on, you will fall for all of them for sure! Okayx3! Let's be back!' Anne cleared her throat and continued her presentation.

'This charisma look is Ravi, the rapper. Ahhh..and this pretty boy is my bias, Hong Bin!!~ ♡.♡' I quickly pulled Anne's shirt when she delayed the last person.

'Orr..and-' I glared her as she paused at the moment.

'This oppa is famous for his poker face and mysterious side. Though he is the silent one, he grabs many girls' heart!! Less people can bear his intense gaze!!'

'Name please!~' I scowled as thing went boring.

'Everyone calls him Leo or the red chic and he's also the main vocal! He possesses a very sweet tone!!' I sighed and headed back to the sofa when something I had expected didn't happen.

Perhaps, it was just someone who looked quite similar to him..

Whatever, the next sentence of Anne woke me up completely and sat me straight.

'Anyway, his real name er.. is Taekwoon.. Hmm..yeah!! Jung Taekwoon! Oh my! I almost forget his real name since Vixx like to call him Jung Leo!'

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