Ticci Toby

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You walked through the pouring rain with your head hanging low. You were supposed to stay at your friends house today, the two of you had been planning it for weeks but your friend and you had a fight. It was now 9:00 pm on a cold September night and you were walking home with a bag of all the stuff you had packed for your sleepover. You frowned, tilting your head to take a look I pat the sky. The rain seemed to be getting worse by the minute, your clothes were soaked through and heavy, and you were still six blocks away from your home. You couldn't call your mother since she was most likely already asleep. You silently thanked yourself for remembering to pack your house key. As you were turning a corner a man on a bike came from the opposite direction and slammed into you. You were knocked to the ground and your head hit the hard concrete but the man didn't stop. You noticed he was signing a song and slurring greatly, most likely drunk.

" Watch where your riding you bastard!" You shouted after him. You lifted your right hand to the side of your head, which burned with pain at your touch.

" Ouch!" You pulled your hand away revealing blood. 'Great,' you thought, 'I am going to have one hell of a headache in the morning.' You stood up, gathered your things, then turned to walk around the corner. Although you were once again knocked to the ground.

" Hey!" You shouted, thinking of many colourful insults to use on the stranger. Although when you looked up all those thoughts vanished. The boy you had run into was wearing a striped blue and grey hoodie, orange goggles and a strange mouth guard that made his smile look creepy. He was also carrying two hatchets, both of which were gleaming with blood. You starred at each other for a moment before he lifted a hatchet, swinging it at the ground where you lay. You quickly rolled to the side, very narrowly avoiding his advance. You leaped to your feet, then ducked your head as he swung at you again. Your body acted on its own and you kicked a leg out, swinging at his ankles and knocking him to the ground. His hatchets slide out of his hands and before he had a chance to recover you pounced on him, sitting on his stomach and holding his wrists to the ground to stop him from attacking again. He chuckled.

" Your good," he stated, " but not good enough. " He then rolled over so that he was the one holding you down. You struggled beneath him but he merely chuckled, seeming to enjoy the situation.

" So, what is a pretty girl like you doing wandering the streets alone at this hour? And in the rain too. " You noticed that his voice sounded slightly distorted because of his mask.

" I wasn't wandering, I was going home. " You snapped in reply. He shook his head, his creepy smile growing larger.

" How stupid can you be? I would have killed you by now if you weren't so cute. " You blushed hearing him say this, and his eyes glinted at the sight of your now rosy cheeks. He brought your wrists above your head and bound them together with one hand, using the other to lower his mouth guard. He then leaned close to your face.

" You should be careful, if you keep making that cute face I might have to kiss you. " He whispered, his breath tickling your ear. Of course this only made you blush more. He smirked and leaned forward, roughly pressing his chapped lips against your smooth ones. He tasted of blood, but in that moment you didn't care. I was just you and him in your own little world where this kiss would last forever. Although sadly that moment ended.

" I have to go. See you later Y/N! " You sat on the ground in a daze until your brain processed what he had just said.

" Wait! " You shouted after him, " I don't even know your name! " He paused before turning around, a huge smile on his face.

" It's Toby. And I will be back! " He then waved and turned his back to you, running off and leaving you to think about him for the rest of the night.

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