BEN Drowned

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You grumbled profanities as some of your classmates pushed past you, eager to make it home now that school was done for the day. Since the way home was long and you were in a bad mood you didn't want to take the main road, that's where all the people were, and you weren't much of a people person. You decided to take the slightly longer way, through some quiet side streets where almost all of the houses were occupied by the elderly. You made your way down the street and about halfway down you were distracted. There was an old man on his front lawn, tables stacked with boxes and a big cardboard sign stating "Yard Sale". Normally you would have ignored it completely, but in a large box that had been left open on the table you spotted what looked like video games. They looked old, and begin an avid gamer you couldn't just ignore it. You only had five dollars, but they were old and looked used so you figured you could reason with the man enough to get one game. You walked over to the table and peered into the box. Your eyes sparkled and you reached into the box, pulling out the item of your desire. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. You had been looking for this game forever. You looked up at the old man, who was now walking towards you. He smiled kindly.

" Can I help you, young lady? " He asked in a friendly voice. You lifted the game in your hand so he could see it.

" How much? " You asked him, determined to get the game in your hands, but when the man looked at the game he seemed shocked. Then he shook his head.

" If you want that game you can just take it. No charge. " For a moment something flashed in his eyes, but as quickly as it was there it was gone again. You shrugged it off, the game was the only thing on your mind. You shoved it into your school bag, muttering a quick "thanks" and running off, now content to get home.

~*~*~*~*~*Time Skip~*~*~*~*~*

You threw your school bag onto your bed, digging into it and pulling out the game. You booted up your N64 and began the game. You played for about an hour with no problem but the game started to glitch, and it frustrated you greatly. You weren't the most patient of people, so it wasn't long before you gave up.

" Rage quit!" You yelled before throwing yourself back onto the bed. You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair, standing up and shutting off your N64. You fell back onto your bed and turned your head to look in the mirror above your dresser. Through the mirror you saw you TV switch on, Majora's Mask also mysteriously back on. Then you noticed something. The statue in the game, Elegy of Emptiness, was moving. It now stood directly in your characters line of view, and you watched in shock as it lifted its hand and reached through the TV screen, crawling into your bedroom. You sat frozen for a minute, but when the statue, now a person, was standing at the foot of your bed you freaked. You did the first thing you could think of, which was throwing your controller at the statue-person-thing. It hit him right in the head, and he stumbled back, cursing in pain. You reached over to the corner next to your bed and grabbed a guitar for the game Rock Band. You lifted it above your head threateningly and growled at him.

" Who the hell are you and why shouldn't I beat you to a pulp right now?! " He just smirked smugly and drew a sword from his belt, swinging at you. You jumped back onto your bed, rolling over to the other side. You knew you wouldn't be able to fight him up close now that he had a proper weapon and you only had a plastic toy. You reached behind you, grabbing a lamp off your dresser and throwing it at him. He blocked with his sword, and you realized you had no other sufficient weapons, so you turned and raced out of your room, down the stairs and to the kitchen. He was close behind you the whole time, but you were able to grab a large knife out of the stand and use it to block his swing. You wrist bent painfully at the contact and you reached back, grabbing another knife only slightly smaller than the one you already have. You used your second knife to support the first one, effectively blocking his sword. Then he did the thing you least expected, which was abandoning the sword and tackling you to the ground and pinning your wrists. You couldn't fight now.

" Hot and a fighter, I like you. " He said with a wink. This was not what you had expected, you tilted your head in confusion and he grinned deviously.

" You've got such a cute face, it would be a shame if I were the last person to see it. "

" It would be a shame if the last person I saw was you! " you yelled, and twisted your wrist allowing your knife to stab his hand. He hissed in pain, his grin failing, but he did not move.

" It's going to take more than that sweetheart..... But I admire your persistence. I have to admit I wasn't expecting this much from someone who rage quit as fast as you did when my game started to glitch. " You growled at him, spitting profanities.

" Don't do that, you'll mess up that cute face of yours. " He whispered, before leaning in and kissing you passionately. You struggled in his grasp, shocked and repulsed by this sudden action, but he held on. After a few moments he pulled his face away from yours with a disappointed look on his face.

" Damn, I was hoping this would end up like some cheesy movie and you would just kiss back right away. Guess I'm out of luck huh? " He smirked again. " The name is BEN Drowned by the way. "

" Why are you here?! " You spat furiously. He tilted his head to the side, thinking about your question for a moment before shrugging.

" At first I came to take your life, but now the only thing I'm interested in taking is your heart. " He leaned down and kissed you again, this time with even more passion. And this time you were unable to stop yourself from kissing back.

" Ah, so today is my lucky day. You decided to kiss back. " He smiled smugly.

" How is that for your cheesy movie? " You asked, also smug.

" Perfect. " Was his reply.

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