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*~*~*~*~Author's Note~*~*~*~*

Alright, here is the third one shot. Before we get to the story there are just a few things I would like to clarify. First off, I am crowned of this account. My friend made it under her name but on my computer, where she saved the password. She is working on her own stories that she will post on this account, so if you see another story and the writing style seems different that would be her. Second, I did not steal this story from Hartless2014 on quotev. Hartless2014 is me. If you read this story on my quotev there will be an authors note that proves this. Also, requests are always open. I read every comment so don't be shy, and I am always open to suggestions. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this one shot, it's not my best but it's something.

Masky One Shot

A sweet sugary scent filled the air, accompanied by the comforting warmth your oven let off as it cooked your delicious treat. You were home alone, your parents at work and your siblings at school. You had been sick so you stayed home from school, and in your boredom had discovered the ingredients and decided to make cheesecake. Now the delicious food let off its wonderful scent. You checked the timer and noticed it still had ten minutes on it, so you wandered to the window and opened it for a breath of fresh air. You leaned out slightly, this window had no screen, so you often stick your head out for fresh air. Although as you stood in the window a rock came flying and hit you in the forehead. You stumbled back, wincing in pain, and landed flat on your butt. You looked up to see a strange man wearing a yellow jacket and a mask that was white with black feminine features. He also had messy brown hair, which slightly took away from his intimidating appearance. You watched him in a shocked silence as he reach down and picked up the rock that had hit you, quickly pocketing it. He then looked towards you, and although you couldn't see his eyes you could feel that he was starring at you quite intensely. You stayed where you were for a few agonizing moments before your body started working on its own and you stood, throwing yourself towards the counter and grabbing the closest thing to you. He began to rush at you, and you swung the frying pan at his head. ( Frying pans, who knew right?! ) He dodged it and backed off slightly, and you thanked yourself for not putting the dishes away. He tried for another advance and you swung your frying pan again, hitting his arm, which had been reaching for you. He jerked his arm back and muttered what you assumed to be a curse. You revealed in your triumph for a moment as he rubbed his arm, seeming pained, but that triumph was short lived as he took a sudden lunge at you. You fell onto the floor again, this time you ended up flat on your back, your frying-pan-weapon skidded across the floor and out of your reach, and the man in the mask sat on top of you, holding your wrists to the floor. You felt yourself blush as he was straddling your hips. He looked down at you and chuckled.

" Well aren't you cute? " He pulled your wrist above your head and bound them with one of his hands, proceeding to gently caress your cheek with the other. This made your blush an even darker shade than before. He chuckled seeing your blushing face.

" W-who are you? " You asked, mentally scolding yourself for stuttering. He tilted his head a bit before replying in a teasing voice.

" Wouldn't you like to know. " He then lightly traced your lips with his fingers.

" N-now stop that! What are you here for? What do you want? " You shouted in attempt to distract him from your now scarlet cheeks. You could hear a smirk in his voice as he replied.

" I came because I smelled the cheesecake, but I bet your lips would taste even better. " At this he lifted the mask off of his face and leaned down to press his lip against your. You struggled a bit, but after a few moments began to kiss him back, causing him to smile against your lips.

" You kissed back. You actually kissed back! " He laughed happily.

" I couldn't help it, your a good kisser. " You replied, smirking. You laughed with him and he released your wrists, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you again. You in return wrapped your arms around his neck. When the kiss ended you thought of something from earlier.

" You never did tell me your name. " You whispered softly as you hugged him.

" It's Masky. " He answered finally.

" My name is- "

" Y/N, I know. " He cut you off. You were shocked and curious as to why he knew your name, but your thoughts were interrupted when the timer on the stove went off, alerting you that the cheesecake was ready. The two of you stood up awkwardly and stood in silence for a moment.

" So.... How about some cheesecake? " You offered.

" I would love some. "

The two of you spent the next hour and a half eating cheesecake and watching a movie, until he had to leave so your parents didn't catch him, but not before he promised to come back.

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