Chapter 1 New start of a new friendship

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"Kate! Kate! wake up!"said my mother

"oh mommm I don't want to stand up yet...."I  said sleepy

"oh Kate stand up, you need to go to school!"said my mother

"oh okay, mom?"I said energetically.

I went to my bath room to take a quick shower, after that I went to put my uniform on, and went to our dinning room.

"um mom what's breakfast?"I  asked happily

"oh, your fave cookie chunk, I baked them a while ago,"said my mother

"yey!"I  shouted,"thank you mom."

After that I continue to eat, after I ate a lot of cookie chunk I greated my mom,"goodbye mom," then I continue to walk.

At the street

"what does my school looj like is it beautiful or just a ordinary school? What section am I? And what does my locker look like? oh so many questions, I'm just going to wait hahaha?"After talking to my self I run and then I bumped to a boy

"oh I am so sorry mr. I am just not paying attention.."I said worrying

"oh I am fine, how about you?"he ask

"I am fine so gotta go bye,"I said and gave him a wink while running backwards.

At Sashu Academy

When I got to our school, I  quickly check out my  schedule, when I have  found my schedule I met a girl

"hello their,"greated the girl

"hi, what is your name?"I asked

"I am Umi sonoda, and you are?"she asked

"my name is Kate Alicia Mirami class 1-3 nice to meet you,"I replyed

"Class 1-3 were classmates!"she said happily

"come on let's go to our room,"I said

"ok, hihi,"she answered.

So we went to our room

At our room

"this room is very amazing,"I said shocked

"class go to your seats your going to indroduce your selves in the front of the class,"the teacher said,"go and introduce your selves, starting to you ms."

"yes ma'am,"she said and start to indroduce her self,"Hi classmates (small smile) I am Jamie Madriga and I am 12 years old,"

"thank you very much ms.Jamie Madriga.Next!"our teacher said greedily.

"yes ma'am,"he said with a big voice and started his introduction,"Hi I am Gari Anderson andnI am 12 ok!"

Many came next and after minutes waiting it's fianaly my turn,"yes ma'am,"I said, I am a little bit shy so I said it in a low tone,"Hi! everyone I am Kate Alicia Mirami, and I am 12 years old (big smile)."

At lunch time

After the class we ate lunch and wait for the teacher to come but need to go to the bathroom to powder up but I bumped to Kit again,"oh I am very sorry,"

"it's ok ar-are you ok?"he asked

"yes are you?"I asked back, when we opened our eyes we recodnice each other it's the guy I bumped on a while ago at the street

"oh it's you again I am very sorry,"he said

"no it's not your fault, it is mine,"I said

"what is your name?"he asked

well I am pretty shocked he asked that"well I am--------"I said with I broken sentence because so called my name,"so wait ok,"

"what?"I asked Umi

"the teacher is here we have to go to our seats,"she said

"well ok,"I replied to Umi,"well bye,"said by me and then waved my hand and went to our room.

Days have passed but I have never showed up to Kit, one day when I am running late I bumped to Kit,"oh I am very very sorrry, ar-are you okay?"I asked

"yes, yes I am perfectly fine how about you ms.?"he asked

"I am, I am fine too, but my books fell,"I said

"I'll help you,"he said will holding my hand

"ar-are you sure?"I asked him

"yes!"he said, and when my books are fine I finally looked to his face and saw the guy I always bumped on,"thank you,"I said then run but I left my diary and I don't want to come back to get it so I continue to run.

At the classroom."hey your just in time,"said Umi and the class started.After the few more classes I brought some hotdogs but when I am just going to our room I saw Kit and I run away,"oh that was so close,"I said

"Hey Kate why do you look so tired?"Umi asked

"nothing,"I said so suspicious

"ok????"said Umi in a asking voice.

One day I decieded to say Umi about my feeling to Ki

"Umi can we talk?"I asked

"OK!"she said actively

"Ok Umi do you know the boy at class 1-2?"I asked Umi

"you don't know that boy? He is very gentle man and handsome too you know,hi name is Kit,"said Umi

"Oh Kit is his name,you know I always bump on him and he always help me,hahaha,"I said

"Oh Kate I know you,you have a crush on him right?"said Umi

"nonono,"I kept saying

"No denying,"said Umi

"ok maybe,ugh,ok I have a crush on him,"i said then looked the other side

"ayiiee I am right I know you have a crush on that boy Kit,"said Umi

But then the bell rang,"

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