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It's been a week since Elijah and Elena's first date, they were very happy but they weren't completely because Elijah was seeing Klaus suffering with the break up and Elena had her best friend Caroline clearly hurting, more than Elena and Bonnie were expecting.

Caroline had stopped going to classes and when she did she wouldn't pay any attention, she spend most of her time crying while watching the Notebook, eating chocolate, listening over and over again Give me Love by Ed Shereen, barely sleeping and without drinking blood because she simply didn't felt the need to feed and was clearly making her weaker. Elena and Bonnie were shocked with what was going on with Caroline because they knew it was a fake relationship and they have seen her heartbroken before but never went this far, she would always find a way to get busy and try to move on. They almost didn't recognized her best friend because Caroline wasn't the kind of person who would just cry and get all depress, not even when she was human, sure she would be a bit upset and would be overreacting but she wouldn't skip classes nor stop feeding properly.

Klaus was also in very much pain. He had lived for a thousand years, he suffered a lot during all those years of existence, yet he never felt like this, not even when Tatia chosen Elijah over him. This pain Klaus was feeling was affecting his life, he stopped drawing and painting, he no longer drank blood, he couldn't sleep, he cried alone in his room, he would simply stare at the drawings he made of Caroline, remembering what was like to be holding her, kissing her, making her laugh, remembering all that was over because even if they agreed to stay friends, he knew he wouldn't have an excuse to be around her like he was before.

 This pain Klaus was feeling was affecting his life, he stopped drawing and painting, he no longer drank blood, he couldn't sleep, he cried alone in his room, he would simply stare at the drawings he made of Caroline, remembering what was like to ...

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Elijah found Klaus in the kitchen, getting two bottles of bourbon and going back to his room, so he followed his brother.

"Niklaus, you can talk to me. You need to talk with someone. You can't keep all inside." Elijah said.

"I'm in no mood for conversations, Elijah."

"Niklaus, please... I've never seen you like this before." Elijah said concerned. "What's going on with you? You have been through a lot and we're always able to stand up, what's going on now? I know you cared deeply about Miss Forbes but, I'm worried. How are you?"

"Leave me alone, Elijah. I just lost my inspiration and desire to paint, I am unable to sleep, I feel like nothing makes anymore and that I'm all alone surrounded by darkness and pain. But I'm okay." Klaus shrugged and took a sip of the bourbon.

"Brother, you are not alone. You have me, you have Kol, Rebekah and even the Salvatores."

"We both know that in every scenario, I'll end up alone." Klaus said and tested up a bit. "Caroline usually is the one making scenarios when is trying to figure out something. She is so wonderful... She lights a whole room with her presence, she is so caring, strong, smart, full of light, positive, beautiful... I loved to listen to her talk but then she also wanted to know about me, my past and what I wanted for the future, she could always make me smile, she had patience with me, she listened to me... her smile was so bright, her eyes were like stars, her hair smelled like coconut... and she has such a soft skin... I remember how I used to caress her and feeling her quiver a bit, how I used to kiss her and listening to her enjoying it, how she has a perfect body that not even the best artist of history could recreate. She's a goddess and I was at her mercy... I was always and I forever will be at her mercy. She was the light in my life and now I'm here alone, facing the darkness and the demons that torment me."

"Brother, I'm sure you'll find a way to move on..."

"Move on?! We are talking about Caroline Elizabeth Forbes! It's impossible to move on! My fantasie woman is trash compared to Caroline. She's perfect."

"Brother, I understand that you're hurting. But I believe you're not seeing things as they are. You clearly miss her but I can assure you that she is not perfect. That is impossible. Dictionary defines perfect as free from any flaw or defect in condition or quality. And we all know all humans have flaws, even when immortal." Elijah said.

"Well, your dictionary friends are wrong."

"First of all, they are not my friends. Secondly, the Oxford Dictionary is not wrong." Elijah said, feeling the need to defend the book.

"If they had things right, they would describe perfect as Caroline Forbes."

"Niklaus, you can't put her on a pedestal like this, it will only make it harder for you to move on."

"Stop saying that I will move on. I clearly can't. She's all I think about. Before I had her always on my mind but I didn't know what was like to have her in my arms but now I do and the fact that I let her slip away it's breaking me inside and out." Klaus yelled angry, pushed Elijah to leave his room and shut the door.


Caroline was in her bed crying while talking with Bonnie and Elena.

"Why didn't you give him a chance to be with you... for real?" Elena asked.

"Because Klaus would see I'm not the strong, confident woman I make myself to be around him. It's all a mask. Once he would see the real me, he would get done with me. Besides... Klaus deserves someone better than me, he deserves a woman who travelled, who's beautiful like Model-Superstar-beautiful, who's smart, who knows what he is talking about when he talks about the 1700s, who is independent, fun, caring, out-going, adventurous, who knows about art and who is actually worthy of his love."

"Caroline, maybe he doesn't want that, maybe he wants you, who is beautiful, independent, smart, funny, caring and positive." Bonnie said.

"I won't let him settle for me when he can have someone much better who can actually challenge him."

"You challenge him all the time. Because of you he become an okay person." Elena said.

"An okay person?" Caroline asked now angry. "Niklaus Mikaelson is not an okay person, he is so much more than that! He is amazing! He is every girl's dream! And you could do a lot worse than Niklaus Mikaelson."

"You like him and he likes you. Why can't you just give a try?" Bonnie asked.

"Because I care too much about him to let him settle down."

"This is only hurting him, Care. Elijah told me that Klaus stopped painting and drawing. And that was his passion. It clearly is affecting him." Elena said.

"Soon he will go back to painting and will be over me." Caroline whispered.


It was way past midnight, when Caroline got a text from Klaus, asking if she was up, she quickly replied without thinking, he asked her to see her and quickly he was sneaking into her room.

They were in Caroline's bedroom, looking at each other, noticing how the other was exhausted and hurting. They were both a mess but they could only see how much they missed to be around each other.

"I missed you." Klaus whispered.

"I missed you too." Caroline whispered and they hugged each other.

They broke the hug but her kept his arms around her waist and she still had her arms around his neck, he had his forehead resting on hers, looking at her with her closed eyes, both enjoying the warmth and closeness.

He caressed her waist, under her top, while pressing her against the wall and she wrapped her legs around his waist, quivering with his touch.

"This week was torture." Klaus whispered and she caressed his cheeks with her thumbs, enjoying touching him and being so close with him again.

"Complete nightmare." Caroline agreed with him.

He moved them to the bed, and it was like they were making out without kissing nor taking clothes off.

"I can't get you out of my head, love." Klaus whispered.

"You need to. I want you to be with the perfect woman. I want you to be happy." Caroline whispered.

"You're the perfect woman I want." Klaus whispered.

"Not the one you need and deserve to be with." Caroline whispered.

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