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April sneaked out to go see Kol and tell him about how her dad was blind with hatred for all vampires, werewolves and hybrids.

They met in the woods, where they usually train and she told him how her father had no emotion in his eyes when talking about vampires.

"I never saw him like that. He always told me that everyone deserves second chances and how everyone can be saved but... If I say that about you or any other vampire, he starts to tell me about how you all manipulate everyone and that I'm just being manipulated..." April said upset. "He thinks you are putting me in danger and he wants me to go back to that boarding school."

"Maybe he isn't completely wrong."


"They are targeting every supernatural creature and seem to be okay with hurting whoever tries to protect us. Maybe you going back to that school will be a good idea. You would be protected and safe from all this drama and danger."

"I'm not going to leave you. I care too much about you... all of you." April said.

"I don't want you to get hurt because of us." Kol whispered.

"I'll be hurt if I go too." April said. "I've been learning how to defend myself and fight back. I'm not a kid who needs to be someone protecting her all the time."

"I know, darling." Kol smirked.

"Kol... my dad told me about some of the things you used to do... like how you used to play baseball with..."

"That's the old me. I lost some of humanity during the centuries I've lived but since I've met you, I found again what used to make me human. You bring out my humanity... I would never do any of that again. I was lost in this darkness. I felt lonely and depressed and... there's no excuse for the horrible things I did."

"It's okay. I mean, I won't give you a prize for not doing that kind of stuff now but... Deep down, I knew you and every vampire did awful things in the past... I'm simply happy that you are trying to be better than that." April said. "No matter what you did in the past, I know that you're a good person."

Kol didn't know what to say so he just hugged her tightly, making sure he would always remember how it felt having her in his arms, having her so close to him, trusting him and believing in his good side, something he found himself doubting about ...

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Kol didn't know what to say so he just hugged her tightly, making sure he would always remember how it felt having her in his arms, having her so close to him, trusting him and believing in his good side, something he found himself doubting about if it was real or not.

"I'll do everything I can to show you I'm worthy of your trust." Kol whispered, resting his forehead in hers.


Caroline was in Klaus's room, seating in his bed, taking care of his wound while he lay down, because Caroline didn't let him get up, no matter how much he argued.

"Are you sure this should take this long? Maybe you need more blood." Caroline said concerned.

"Love, you gave me already blood bags with all the different types of blood. I'll get better soon."

"Maybe I should just give you my blood." Caroline whispered.

"We can't." Klaus whispered.

"I know this ritual kinda ruins things but... I can't see you suffering like this."

"I'm fine, love. I have you here... that's all I need." Klaus whispered and Caroline gave him a peck on the lips.

"You're amazing, Nik." Caroline whispered and kissed him, he made her lay down in the bed as they kiss and broke the kiss just to look into her eyes with a smile.

"Don't move." Klaus said and took a pencil and notebook from his nightstand.

"What are you doing?"

"Drawing you."

"What? Don't. I look terrible. My hair isn't curled nor straight because I only use a stupid brush, I have no makeup on and I am wearing polyester. Polyester, Klaus!" Caroline said, making Klaus chuckle. "It's not funny!"

"Love, you look beautiful. You don't need makeup or curling irons to look beautiful, you already are beautiful." Klaus said. "Now, let me draw you. Remember that I'm sick and when someone's sick you need to make them favors."

"Ugh! Fine." Caroline rolled her eyes. "So... What should I do?"

"Just be like that." Klaus said as he started to draw her.


Elijah was in Elena's bedroom, trying to calm her down because Elena was worried that after this the Council would go after the supernatural creatures and she couldn't stop worry about her friends safety and Elijah's.

"Elena, my beautiful angel, listen to me. We are all aware of what is happening and we know how to fight back. Right now, all we have to do is show everyone that we don't intend to hurt anyone to not give anyone reasons to start a fight or a war. They will eventually realize that we have nothing but the best intentions, which will made them stop being so terrified."

"Aww! Look at you making up lies just to try to calm me down." Elena said, thinking Elijah was being very sweet for remaining calm for her sake.

"Elena, we will be fine."

"Yeah and for some reason every single time someone in a horror movies says that, ends up dead." Elena said.

"We are not in a horror movie."

"Elijah, I've lost so many people already

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"Elijah, I've lost so many people already. I can't lose anyone else. I can't lose more friends and I, definitely, can't lose you. I love you so much." Elena whispered and Elijah kissed her.

"I love you too." Elijah said once broke the kiss.

They kissed again passionately while Elena loosen up his tie, then she left a trail of kisses to his neck and bite him, making him groan. He lay her down in the bed and after kissing her jawline, her neck and her shoulder, he bite her neck, making her moan in pleasure.

"Your blood is divine." Elijah groaned and planted sweet kisses on the wound in her neck that was healing.

"Elijah... I've never loved someone as much as I love you." Elena whispered.

"Believe it or not... No one ever made me feel like this before. I've never felt this kind of love before." Elijah whispered and they kissed passionately.

" Elijah whispered and they kissed passionately

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