helium inhalation

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I had a really weird night last night that I don't remember the majority of, but I do remember that I had another weird dream again. Though it didn't involve J or Shedevil this time.

It started off with me, that Sharktooth Dorkface again, and his friend (were just gonna call him A) and for some reason we went to party city to get 3 silver balloons and like the chick blowing the balloons up didn't fill them up all the way and one had a big hole in it so the helium just kept seeping out until she realized it and replaced it. And then we went to Walmart for some reason and when I was holding hands with Dorkface, I got hit in the back with something really hard and at some point my mom showed up and I passed out and "woke up".

When I "awoke", I was laying awake in bed, unable to move and I thought I was awake? I actually can't tell if that was like a second dream or if that was real. I just couldn't move at all and it was weird.

What the heck is going on?

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