Chapter 2

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The disco lights danced around the room, flitting from one corner to the next, momentarily flashing over familiar faces in a splay of colours. The beat sent echoes bouncing from wall to wall, vibrating the floor like an earthquake passed through the room. Bridget rushed up to us, her grin as wide as ever creating dimples on her cheeks. Rich brown ringlets framed her face and her light blue eyes were lined with thick mascara, popping even through the dim lighting.

        This was such a bad idea.

        "Hey! I'm so glad you could make it!" Her smile was genuine, unlike her two friends, who stood glaring in our direction, probably inconspicuously in their minds.

        "Mmhm," Ally mumbled, looking past her shoulder at the tightly packed bodies moving in time to the rhythm of the music. "Looks like a blast."

        Bridget giggled and leaned in closer to whisper, "You should see some of the dance moves. They're quite scandalous." With a flourish of her wrist, she gave us one last look before disappearing into the crowd. Ally just shrugged nonchalantly and followed her over to where a group of boys were talking. Sidney didn't hesitate to join her and I was left alone on the dance floor like an abandoned cub. I twisted my lips and finally decided that I couldn't be a wallflower forever. Without a last glance, I joined my "old buddy" Sasha and the others in what I was sure to them could only be a flirt fest. That's all it ever was.

        "Come on, dance with me!" Ally was trying to convince Jeremy, her eyes alight as she shimmied in a teasing gesture.

        Jeremy rolled his brown eyes and ran a hand through his short hair, after which he finally decided that it's easier to bow down to Ally's rules versus trying to convince her to be quiet. I shook my head in disbelief as she led him away into the crowd like a conductor guiding a marching band along a path. I could vaguely see her head as it bounced up and down in the gaggle of people, but quickly lost sight of it as a new wave of people replaced them. I could only imagine what wondrous routine she had planned for tonight; she'd never been a good dancer.

        "Oh, Leah! I hardly noticed you there. I haven't spoken to you in so long." I turned in disgust to see Sasha staring at me, her fake smile plastered on her face. "How have you been?"

        "Fine," I said impartially and focus my attention elsewhere, hoping that she'd get the hint that I was not in the mood to play games with her.

        But I forgot; her rules involved me playing all the time and she had me cornered from every angle. I couldn't escape her maze.

        "Just fine?" She snorted. "I guess some people don't respond to change quite the same way as others. As for myself? I'm doing excellent. Much better than I was a few months ago. My friends are so supportive." She flashed a menacing smile at me. "Not that you would get it. You seem to throw all the good ones in the trash."

        At that she fluttered away, holding her head high like a queen. My jaw clenched tight and I balled my hands into fists. What I wouldn't do to punch her in the jaw. Mess up her pretty little face for once to reveal the true witch that concealed itself behind her features. Maybe then the people that she grasped tightly in her palm would find the strength to break away.

I didn't know how I ever managed to like such a despicable person.

        Unwilling to hold the storm of fury inside of me, I charged through the crowd, pushing people to the side as I go, ignoring their half-hearted protests as I barrelled through the never-ending layers of teenagers. I wasn't going to stay here with all of these sorry excuses for human beings any longer. It seemed as though they were all against me, a constant barrier keeping me struggling against them eternally. The door slammed shut behind me but no one heard it because the music was too loud. I breathed in the fresh air like my life depended on it and sat on the steps, letting my emotions leak out of me.

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