EP 2

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I wake up ready to go to the camp to start working I get up and my older sister was on the kitchen making breakfast 

--hey noona-- I say still a bit sleepy

--hey sleepy head-- sana said in respond

I give her a peck on her cheek and sit down on the table 

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I give her a peck on her cheek and sit down on the table 

--What do we have for breakfast-- I say very happy

--eggs, pork  vegetables, and gossip--she said putting the two pleats down on the table and her sitting in front of me

--What about?--i say stuffing my food in my mouth

--Well, the king is gonna chose a bride for the prince and the prince let go of 6 men that were with each other  at night, can you believe that?--she said eating as well

I shake my head as a no and keep on eating, my life was not that exiting my dad works 24/7 in the field  and my mom died 11 years ago  my sister and I are always together and her best friend too well I don't know a lot about the world and I would love to see it and go to places iv never been to before 

--Well lets get going--sana said heading outside, I follow her after walking 5 to 10 minutes we arrived and we were in the center buying food  there was a lot of people, we went to a shop and there we see a familiar face it was her best friend one of the most beautiful girls in the kingdom if not the most beautiful next to my sis and it wast bad it was just stressing people were always trying to talk to them even if we were in a hurry but they gave them free stuff and that was good 

--Well lets get going--sana said heading outside, I follow her after walking 5 to 10 minutes we arrived and we were in the center buying food  there was a lot of people, we went to a shop and there we see a familiar face it was her best friend one...

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--tzuyu!!--my sister went to hug her --so what happened to the guys? where are they?-- 

--shhh, there gonna hear you--tzuyu said--who is?--my sister responded whispering --they are--tzuyu said while turning her head around my sister and I did too there were guards walking around like if they were looking for something tzuyu was going to step back but she slipt on a wooden box and made a lot of noise getting the guards attention they ran up to us and grabbed my sister from her hair I just reacted punching the guy he let her go but two other guards  graved me and tzuyu and we weren't the only ones other girls were taken too and men strong looking men they took us to different places

--SANA,TZUYU!!-- I yelled trying to get m grip off but it was no use 



I wake up to the doors slam open 

--THE HELL DOES ANYBODY KNOCK IN THIS PLACE!!-- I yell with madness, madness that soon turns into sadness

--your father the king--

I get up and start running to the king bedroom there I see my mom not even bothered at all the maid and some royal friends were there my father was in the bed pale like snow coughing and desperately breathing, I turn around and see my mom coming his way I go up to him as well know we were both  at his side my mom leand and said loud enough for  me to hear but not the others

-- I hope you suffer in hell like you made me suffer, you deserve to die and if I dint kill you before was because of money--she said only that and left the room I just couldn't believe her I just hug my dad

--hyunjin,son whatever you do lead the kingdom to your will don't let anybody tell you what to do but always do it wisdom and remember never love any women merry her to lead the kingdom because your the king and we do what we want--those were his last words I heard all the family and friends scream and cry in his death and so did I a few tears came but I quickly washed them out I stood up and left

--bring all the women you find only the most beautiful also bring strong men to take care of all the chores for them-- I say while walking down the hallway to get ready to meet the brides



--sana?--tzuyu said

--tzuyu?--she responded

 --thank god you are alive, where are you--

-- I don't know I can't see--

--yeah me neither--

a light was turned on and their band were taken and there were dresses really pretty ones, and there were about 25 more girls in there and a note saying "chose it and it's your to keep" and so they did on the other hand for the little jeongjin in wasn't that easy and it will only get worse 

--i am the soon to be king hyunjin i will chose a bride and you will take care of there needs,if you dare to touch or ungreased one of the 30 women you will be tortured to death if you fight you will be left with no food or water for 3 days and if you don't follow orders you will be punished by me personally, with a whiplash,so get started i will check  each and every one of you-- with that the soon to be king left and they got to work 

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