It Will Always be You (Sirius Black Fanfic)

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It was a sunny day. Where most kids would be laughing and playing in the water Scarlet was held up in her room with her nose stuck in a book. One of the many contraband books in her house. A muggle one with the title of Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. She loved the fact it was a muggle's take on wizards, elfs, & trolls. She found it hilarious on how close the man came to getting it right. If her parents walked in and found her reading this, they would surely beat her. Possibly use the Cruciatus Curse on her, like they had done so many times before. She was only eleven, but her parents didn't care. 

She heard the clicking of heels coming towards her door, and she quickly made a dash for under her bed to hide her reading matieral. There was a hidden loose floorboard where she kept all her muggle things. Quickly getting up she sat in her chair in front of her vanity, and started combing her hair. Acting as if she was going to be leaving soon. When the door opened there stood her schrew of a mother, and bigot of a father. Ornella and Jonathan Chambers. Two of the most rotten, foul, cold hearted people Scarlet had ever had the displeasure of knowing.

"Scarlet sweetheart-" her mother said with false sweetness, you could hear the venom dripping behind the words,"A letter has arrived for you."

Scarlet tore her gaze from her hateful parents and studied the envelope in her hands. She could make out the crest and her heart skipped a beat. Could that really be what she was hoping for all summer? Her ticket out of this hell hole? Her mother handed her the envelope, and Scarlet delicatly opened it. True to her assumption it was it.

Dear Ms. Chambers,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Scarlet was jumping for joy on the inside. On the outside she stood calm and poised in front of her parents. Many beatings did this to her. She looked up into the cold eyes of the people that unfortunatly gave life to her. 

"Father may I ask for the company of Sirius to Diagon Alley?"

"Very well. He is after all of proper status."

The way he said proper irked her. Of course it was always like this. Muggles, half breeds, and muggle borns, (or mudbloods as her parents referred to them) were the gum on the bottom of the shoe of wizarding society. She hated her parents prejudice, and rebelled at any chance she got. And every time she did, they'd torture her. The only welcoming constant in her life was that of her best friend. Sirius Black. He was always around to save her. Their families had been friends for many years, and it was only natural that Scarlet and Sirius meet at one of those dammed pure blood parties. 

When they met at the age of five and he rescued her from getting hit with a curse from her father, Scarlet knew the boy was never going to leave her side again. And he didn't. They spent every moment they could with each other, and he always managed to bring a smile to her face. 

"Thank you father."

"Your father and I will not be able to attend your little shopping trip. We have important matters to handle. You will also stay at the Black's until you have to leave for school. You will leave with them. It really is a pity we can't see you off. Since this is the last time we'll see you till next year, please try to not bring shame to this family. Well, anymore than you already have."

"Yes mother. Your presence will be missed, but thank you for allowing me to still go, and to stay at the Black's."

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