Series 1 - My Wish Upon The Stars Pt. 2

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When I got home, I was happy today. I actually met the girl in my dream. Don't get to rush, this is just the start but am I really falling for her that easily? I guess is that I broke up with someone. I was jumping like crazy when I accidentally turn on the remote on my TV and it showed a moment of me and...her. I don't want to talk about her. I watched the whole moment and it made me tear up and eventually cried.

I was completly out of my mind, I couldn't erase the moments that we've been together. I hit my head on the stair wall 6 times before I stop. I don't know what is happening to me so I decided to text Yuna to come here at my home before I might go crazy again.

Y/N: Can you come at my home please? If not, I get it. Your parents and your sister want to keep you safe.

Yuna: What, I'll come, tell me your address

Y/N: Did you told your parents?

Yuna: Yes

Y/N: *sends address*

Yuna: Thanks

I closed my phone, I couldn't help myself groaning in pain. So, I went to the kitchen to do something...


I arrived at Y/N's home but I heard something. The door wasn't locked so, I didn't hesitate to walked in. I heard it from the kitchen, when I arrived at the kitchen, he was smacking himself with a frying pan on his head, mumbling some words.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" He yelled and cried

"Y/N, Stop" I said and grabbed the pan out of his hand

"I just want to end my suffering"

"No, your not. I'm here to help you"

Then I hugged him then he hugged me back and cried at my shoulder.

"It's okay Y/N, It's okay" I said rubbing his back


When she hugged me, I calmed down. This hug of hers is something special. I let go of the hug and she cupped my face and wiped my tears out of my eye.

"Just calm down" She said and smiled

Her smile make me smile. I'm really happy that she came to my life today.

"Come on, let's sit" she guide me to the dinning table

She went to the fridge and pour a glass of cold water.

"Here, drink some" she handed me the water and I drank it

"Y/N, you can tell me. What's wrong?" She asked holding my hand

"I don't want talk about it" I said in a cold tone then she played the voice message I recorded today

"It's because of 'her' doesn't it" she asked

I took a big sigh and started talking


I was at the court yard trying to concetrating on completing my homework for Math when somebody came beside me.

"Can I see your notes?"

"Uh, nope, that's cheating"

She pouted cutely which make me fall for it.

"Ok, you can"

She clapped like a kid and I handed her the notes.

"You know we've been in the same class in Math right?"

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