Series 4 - Game Over

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A/N: Sometimes, I feel life is like a video game and this series shows my deepest emotions about my perspective in this world. Theres also a twist that resembles the theme of this series.

This might be angsty

Anyways, Enjoy



I love playing games and it's my hobby since then. Still, I'm still a sociable person. When I'm feel down games are always my stress reliever

Sometimes, I keep thinking that life is just like a video game, you earn, you lost, your choices, your luck. When people die, all I can think is that a screen that says Game over.

I know that in real life you only get one life and it's your choice how you spend it before you die.

My life is like a living dump. My parents always fights for no full reason why. I'm also being bullied for the whole high school years till now. Yes, i'm indeed a sociable boy but I don't know if I can socialize with anybody at this situation.

I have friends too, I got Jinyoung, Jackson, Yugyeom, Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon. Also, my only friend whose a girl, Yuna.


I was alone at the courtyard of the school, sitting on a bench while waiting for Jinyoung at that time and I watched some gameplay videos from VanossGaming till I heard someone coming. I turned around and it was Yuna

"Hi" She waved "Can I sit beside you?"

I nodded and I continued to watch the video then she looked

"Isn't that VanossGaming?" She asked and I nodded

"Why are you keep nodding?" She asked "Are you ignoring me?"

I closed my phone and I looked at her "No, I just waiting someone"

"Who?" She asked again

"None of your buisness" I replied coldly as I opened my phone but I stopped and closed it again

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked her "Shouldn't you be with your friends instead you came here"

"Look" She hold my hands "I know you have a problematic life and I can't take when your being bullied. I wanted to be your friend"

I gave her a confused look and I suddenly laugh it off "Is this some kind of bet or something?"

"No Y/N, i'm serious" She said "You haven't known me yet. I just wanna help"

I looked around but there was nobody, I guess i'm being cold these days.

"Ok, you can be my friend" I said then she hugged me suddenly then she let go

"Alright, I gotta go" She waved goodbye and I waved back then she smile and left

Then suddenly Jinyoung came

"What took you so long?" I asked

"Sorry, Yugyeom was just being an idiot" He said

"Don't tell next, I know what it is" I said then he suddenly noticed me smiling

"What's with the smile?" He asked "I haven't see you smile like that, what happened?"

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