Chapter Nine

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Amara sat next to her cousin, Deuce in their classroom. She had a dreamy look in her eyes as she stared into space.
Deuce snapped his fingers in front of Amara's face. "Hey, cousin, you alright? You're totally zoning out dude." he questioned.
She blinked and glanced over at Deuce. "Oh, sorry! I just have a lot of thoughts." she told him, giving him a smile. 
He blinked under his sunglasses, finding it out of character for her. He shrugged his shoulders anyways and rubbed her back. "Listen, if you ever need to talk, you can talk to me." he reassured to her.
She shook her head. "No, no! I'm fine, okay? Besides it's something you probably couldn't help with." she told him, reassuring him.
As their teacher entered the room, they turned to face the front of the class, dropping the conversation. However, unknowingly to them, a certain news reporting ghost was listening on the conversation.
She floated below the floor and smiled. "The new ghoul having troubles on her third day of school? What a scoop! Is it bullying? Being left out? Oh! Or perhaps boy troubles?" Spectra Vondergeist spoke to herself.
She smiled and rushed over to her office. "My fans will love this scoop!"

 The bell rang and Deuce got up. "Hey, I got practice this period, you know your way to next class, right?" he asked her.
Amara nodded and smiled. She began packing up her books and waved him off. "Yeah, no problem! You go and practice." she answered. 
Deuce nodded, shooting her a finger gun as he left the classroom. Amara grabbed her pencils, knocking over her pen. As she reached down to grab it, it floated up. She gasped and stood back, shocked. 
"Heh, sorry about that."
A ghoul appeared, holding her pen. "I'm Twyla. You're the new ghoul, right?" she asked, giving her a soft smile. She handed her pen back and laughed softly.
Amara nodded and took her pen. "Uh thank you a lot." she told her. "I'm Amara."
Twyla grabbed her books and pushed her hair behind her hair. "Well, it was nice to finally meet you, Amara. I'll see you around." she said before leaving the class. 
Amara smiled and finished packing up before leaving the class herself. She headed down the hall and often found herself being pushed back by many groups of monsters. She huffed, knowing she might not be able to get to class in time. 

She felt the sudden presence of someone tall behind her. She quickly turned and looked up, seeing a pale thin werewolf. "You need help? The halls here are crowded here." he offered.
Amara gulped and timidly nodded. "Y-yeah, thanks!" she replied. 
The werewolf smiled and walked beside her. "Here, just stick close to me and I can guide you to your next class. Which is?" he asked her. 
"Oh, it's Monster Anatomy." Amara quickly informed him. She felt him timidly place his hand around her shoulder and a small blush of embarrassment formed on her cheeks. 
"That's across the school, it must be tough getting around these halls. The name's Romulus, by the way." he introduced himself.
"Mine is Amara. . . It does get rough walking through sometimes." she responded as she walked with Romulus.

She noticed how people seem to make way for her when Romulus started walking with her. He must've been a popular student. She looked up at Romulus, who looked back and nervously smiled at her. She quickly looked forward, embarrassed that he caught her staring. 
They reached the Monster Anatomy classroom and Amara turned to the tall werewolf. "Thank you again Romulus, I might've been late to class if it wasn't for you." she thanked.
Romulus smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, it's no problem. Anything to help the new ghoul." he replied.

As Amara turned to enter the classroom, Romulus turned on his heels and rushed down the hall, to his own class. She smiled softly and headed to sit down where she normally sat down. 

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