Chapter Four

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The bell rang and Amara picked up her books. As she was about to leave the classroom, the werewolf stopped her. She turned around. "Oh it's you." she said. "Did I forget something again?"

The werewolf chuckled. "You forgot to introduce yourself." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Amara blushed a bit. She smiled softly. "Me? I'm Amara Bijiou. . ." she told the werewolf. "What about you? You haven't introduced yourself either." she added.
The werewolf chuckled. "I'm Clawd Wolf. I'm the captain of the Casketball team."

The two were eventually pushed out of the class by the teacher. "Out you go!" Mr. Hackington yelled. "Get to your next class!"
Clawd and Amara looked at the closed door then at each other. They shared a laugh before they part ways down different hallways.

Amara walked to her locker and put away her Mad Science duotang in her locker. She grabbed her notebook which was still wet from the incident with Cleo.
She flipped through the pages of drawings, some ruined due to being drawn in pen. "I worked hard on that one. . ." she muttered to herself under her breath. Amara sighed and put her notebook back in her locker.

She closed her locker and began to walk to her next class, Dead Languages.
Unsure of where to sit, Amara sat at the back, next to a guy with possibly fire hair?

"Why hello beautiful, I don't believe we've met. You new to Monster High?" he spoke, eyeing her up and down.

Amara blushed in embarrassment and looked away. "I am." she simply replied.

"Name's Heath Burns. And you're in luck cos this guy's single." he introduced himself. "And that's a good deal since this guy tends to get swarmed by the ladies." he bragged.

A werewolf's hand slammed on Heath's desk. She let out a growl and her ears flattened. "Cut it Heath, she's not interested." she told him.
"Woah. Alright, I get it Clawdeen. Sheesh." Heath replied, raising his hands up as a defense.

The girl, supposedly named "Clawdeen", rolled her eyes and sat down in the desk in front of Amara. She fixed her curly brown hair and turned around in her chair to face Amara. "I'm sorry about him. He's an annoying flirt with a way too big monster ego." she said to Amara. She smiled. "You're that new girl who was hanging around Deuce, aren't you?" she asked.

Amara nodded. "It's nothing romantic, I swear! He and I are only cousins who grew up together!" she quickly explained to the werewolf.
The werewolf laughed. "Well, after Cleo came to me saying how embarrassed she was after learning that you were his cousin not some other girl, I kinda assumed as much." the werewolf swung one leg over the other and smiled. "Name's Clawdeen Wolf. Nice to meet you."

"My name's Amara Bijou. . ." she told Clawdeen.

"Alright, everybody take your seats. We have an important lesson for today!" the teacher spoke.

Clawdeen rolled her eyes. "He always says that. . ." she mumbled before she turned back around to face the front.

⊱ ────── {.⋅.✯.⋅.} ────── ⊰

The bell rang and it was time for last period. Biteology.
Amara grabbed her books and left the classroom before Heath could blow yet another smoke heart towards her.

She walked to the biteology class and as she did so, she felt an arm rest around her neck and the faint sound of snakes hissing. Deuce.

"What's up, cousin?" Deuce asked, smiling.

"Uh. . . The ceiling?" she replied in which Deuce rolled his eyes.

"You know, I don't mean it like that." he told her.

Amara smiled. "I know. But nothing too exciting happened. I met three really cool people and that's it." she answered his original question.

Deuce messed with Amara's light green hair. "See I told you Monster High would be different." he said before he walked off to his next class.

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