chapter 5

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I woke up to hearing birds chirping and the sun just starting to rise up I felt the newborn pup start to wiggle around reminding me that it hadn't gotten food in half a day I pull him out and check his leg then felt his stomach rumble I knew I had to do something or he would die. I set him back in my cloak pocket them start to rummage through the pouch I got I pulled out the first booklet and started flipping threw the pages it had information on what the potions were, the effects it had, the right amount to take or give, how long it would take for the effects to kick in, and how to counter act the effects. I started looking for a potion that would heal the pups leg. I find the type of potion I'm looking for in the book and realize it's one of the medium sized bottles in the pouch I pull it out and put a little drop on my finger.

The newborn licks it, looking at its leg I didn't hear or feel his leg heal. I look down at the books and realize it will take a couple hours for it to take effect I put him in back in my cloak pocket, carefully. Then I take a sip of the healing potion. Then I start looking around noticing some vines I start to climb up and cut the vines off then climb down to the middle of the tree and start wrapping it around two sturdy tree limbs. After thirty minutes I made a suitable sleeping place then I grab a two-inch-thick tree branch and start carving away. Suddenly I heard a snap and start looking around it went silent after that then half an hour later there was another snap and I felt this one I look down at my leg and realized my leg was healed. I picked up the newborn and removed the splint form its leg it instantly tried moving around I looked at the newborn and realized it was already looking at me and its weight had increased by a couple ounces and it had started teething. It alarmed me because it was growing at an alarming rate.

i realized that i would need to build a bigger vine bed for me and the pup. I set him down and spent another ten minutes adding another half a foot of vine flooring which you can consider my bed, i grab the tree branch i was carving and put it in between the two sturdy tree limbs and created a three feet wall so the puppy or me wouldn't roll off. I looked up to see the sun at the highest peal, taking off my cloak and setting it down i start climbing to the top, once i got there i looked around the area to see any place that would look favorable for helping me and the pup survive. i spotted smoke from the direction i had come from and assumed that it was the encampment. I climb back down only to see the newborn trying to climb up, i easy myself down and picked up the new born looking at it i realized it was a he so i decided to name him. 

i finally decided with Apollo, saying his name aloud the newborn barked back wagging his tail. "Apollo it is my friend let's see if we can survive this forest" I said cheerfully. sitting down i realize that it was getting considerably colder, I crawl over to the trunk of the tree and start carving out a hole a foot wide and used the pieces of the wood i carved out and put them inside the hollow. Realizing i have no way to lit the fire i looked through the pouch and pull out the two small books i looked through the potion book for anything that could start the fire but found nothing towards the general topic. I started flipping through the second book it had information on many animals, and planets for the first half of the book, the second half had information on magic, different types of magic and elements, magical items and weapons,and some basic low level magic spells. it was basically everything needed for the part of region i was in and on the very back was a blank page and the back cover which had the map of the part of the continent i was in and saw all sorts of towns and other things that were usefully from just looking at it. "looks like ill be studying these books later right Apollo" I said playfully.

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