The SCP Foundation

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human-stuck, SCP foundation AU, need I say more? SCPs.

Simon Captor, was starting his new research project in the Euclid building today. People often underestimated him weather it be due to his height or ethnicity he didn't know, thought he was often called a bunny rabbit by the heavily armed guards in his last facility. He was anything but, and he'd proved that when he knocked the teeth out of one of those guards for attempting to grab his ass. But the Euclid building was different. he was thankful for the heightened professionalism here. Though it Came with a cost, the reasons those brutes were so quiet was because of the looming threat of immanent death. Should containment be breached here, well, then it was over for all of them. The reason he was even here despite the danger of it all, wasn't just for the hazard pay, nor the prestige of a Level Five clearance card. He was here for SCP: 4451- Patient Zero. An SCP that had fascinated him since the academy. He was by far the youngest on the floor in his lab, that didn't matter to him, what mattered was the case file awaiting him on his new desk.

SCP: 4451.
Code Name: Patient Zero
Classification: Euclid.

SCP 4451, Patient Zero, also known as Deacon. Is a human male of above average height, defining features are his black hair and violet colored eyes.

SCP 4451 was brought to the foundation after the incident of ———. In which SCP 4451 was found the only one left alive in a — ———-  ———  ———-.  it was later found out that SCP 4451 had caused the outbreak of disease.
SCP 4451 was Five years old at the time.

All attempts to dispose of SCP 4451 for human safety has failed. He cannot he killed.

Further studies of SCP 4451 as he reached adult hood have found that he is able to produce the disease, now known as Black Amber, with a pheromone he has learned to produce at will. All personal must be dressed in hazmat suits whenever interacting with SCP 4451.

SCP 4451 is to be kept in isolation. This protocol is broken twice a month in the common room with the other Euclid entities fit for socialization. There has been no incidence of disease in the common room on record. This privilege is to continue until such incidence has occurred.

SCP 4451 is given certain privileges inside his containment. He is given a large enclosure with the addition of a heavily secured outdoor annex. This annex is approximately eight square feet in size and surrounded by walls of cement two feet thick. The ceiling is covered with six inch thick bullet proof acrylic. There are no vents to the outside within the outdoor enclosure. Within the enclosure there is a pool of water that takes up approximately four square feet of the enclosure. It is fresh water and inhabited by albino catfish and select breeds of koi. Though SCP 4451 has been known to swim in the pool, that was not its intended purpose. Within his natural indoor enclosure he is provided with: a king sized bed without a bed frame, a couch, a television, a book shelve, a censured SCP foundation computer, and two different modern gaming consoles. SCP 4451 has been known to enjoy reading the most out of all his provided stimulus. He is provided with a monthly allowance of $100 U.S dollars to spend on anything he chooses within his enclosure. All purchases are approved by the foundation before finalized. SCP 4451 has never attempted escape.

When handling SCP 4451 use caution in speech. SCP 4451 has been known to release Black Amber pheromones when agitated or enraged, weather or not this is voluntary has yet to be discovered. Avoid angering SCP 4451 at all costs, he has been known to become physical with researchers in the past. SCP 4451 does not have enhanced strength though he is recorded below as an above average male. Under no circumstances is any personal EVER allowed into SCP 4451's enclosure. SCP 4451 is capable of maintaining his own enclosure for himself there is no reason to enter. Should SCP 4451 ever become non compliant research shows it is best to postpone any and all experimentation until he has become compliant. This is for the safety of all Euclid facility personal.

SCP 4451's primary language is English, though if asked he has been known to speak French. Where he learned the language is unknown to the foundation at this current time.

For further information, consult SCP 4451's data charts. This concludes the entity summary.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
SCP Foundation.

Simon simply couldn't wait to meet the man who killed millions,
With just a simple thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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