Micro Management

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So I've been with my family for a few weeks vacation and, as I've said before, I miss all the good stuff. Though I'm still worried about what Dan and Vlad said about my family... it hasn't happened yet so I'll try not to worry too much.


"How's the four minute mile coming boys?" I asked

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"How's the four minute mile coming boys?" I asked.
"Nine minutes and counting. "He gasped. "This is embarrassing." Sam laughed as she ran backwards.
"Show off!" I laughed as I did a front hand spring and landed it.
"Says you!" She runs with me as Skulker shoots at Danny.
"I thought I should give you something to run from!" Skulker said as Danny ran to transform somewhere and came back.
"Hey Skulker! You know without that suit you're pretty powerless! Maybe you should learn to rely on your natural abilities." Danny shouts. That's going to bite him in the ass someday. I thought as I smiled and Danny sucked him into the thermos.
"I think I liked fighting Skulker better." Danny whined as he tried to do some pull ups on a bar.
"Come on Danny, you can easily defeat so many ghost, yet this is challenging?" I asked as I swung on the bar to sit on top of it.
"I'm assigning fitness buddies. Manson, you're with Foley... and Fenton, you're with Baxter." The gym teacher crinkled her nose.
"Is broken a shape?" Dash asked.
"Rivers you get to supervise these two." She smiled at me.
"Why are you a favorite?" Danny asked as I just shrugged.


"Come on Foley! Keep going!" Sam grinned.
"I can't! Your boot weighs a ton!" Tucker whined as he asked for a hand. As Danny clapped. "You're hilarious." Tucker sulked.
"Having powers, you can afford to be, and anyways why should I care?"
"Because if you fail, I fail! And Sky wouldn't want to date me if I was a failure!" Dash came up behind Danny.
"Who says I want to date you anyway?" I ask.
"You said you want to date me, so that's a yes!" Dash cheered as my face burned almost as red as Danny's just before Skulker came over and shot at us.
"Ah! A ghost!" Danny yelled as Dash got up, picked me up, and ran just to be cornered by Skulker. Danny tried to rescue us but Skulker grabbed his face and pinned him on the ground just to get shot by Jack and shrink, as he did the same to Dash and I.
"No! I'm punie!" Dash shrieked as I covered my ears and ran to find Danny.
"Big or small I'll still have your head on my wall!" Skulker exclaimed as Danny shot at him and flew over to me and a shrieking Dash.
"Help me." I begged as he laughed and picked me up and told Dash to follow us. He picked up Dash as well when we hit a fence and flew us over it, through a hole and down into the grass when Dash went back into hysterics again.
"We're dead! Dead!" He cried out as I rolled my eyes.
"No! No we're not! We just need to get up to the ops center and make ourselves big again." Danny explained as Dash calmed down again before his flight powers stopped working and we fell.
"That wasn't how this was supposed to work." Danny said as I held onto my ankle."Are you ok?!" He rushed over to me.
"I'll be fine." I said as I tried to stand but fell into his arms.
"Yeah no, not happening. Come here." Danny said as he scooped me into his arms.
"I'm-" I started.
"No. Don't even start. I'm carrying you and that's it. Ok?" He looked at me.
"Ok." I smiled softly at him as he carried me bridal style to the door as Skulker started to close in on us again.
"We need to find another entrance!" Danny yelled as Dash pointed at a mouse hole.
"We have mice!?" Danny and I asked in unison as they ran.
"Fly!" Dash yelled.
"I can't!" Danny yelled back.
"Why!?" Dash asked.
"Just run it's good for your heart!" Danny replied as they ran into the dark hole. Danny made his hand glow as we looked around.
"Where's the matchbox sofa? And the coffee table made by the spool of thread?" Dash asked.
"You watch way to many cartoons." I laughed in spite of my fear of the dark as a rat growled at us and Skulker cornered us against a wall. Danny's ghost ray powers shorted leaving us in the dark and me in someone else's arms, so Danny could take over the rat. As soon as Skulker lit a match Danny slammed the rat's tail into Skulker just before the rat threw him out, and cornered us yet again against a wall.
"Run go!" Danny yelled as he took the match from Dash and ran the opposite way, and then coming back, taking me out of Dash's arms and running into the kitchen.
"I can't do it! Everything's bigger than me! And you're losing your powers! We're doomed... DOOMED!" Dash said as he crouched down and held his head going into hysterics again.
"Dash! Stop! Listen to me!" Danny yelled before he took a deep breath and calmed himself. "Why did you come to Fenton Works?" He asked calmly.
"I'm Danny Fenton's fitness buddy. I was supposed to help him because he's too punie and weak." Dash answered.
"Ok, yeah I get it, what's your point?" Danny stopped him.
"He's not strong enough to pass the fitness test." Dash replied.
"Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need your help. I'm not strong enough to do this on my own. Will you be my fitness buddy?" Danny asked as I smiled lightly at him. As he helped Dash up his boots changed back into his sneakers. Jazz almost stepped on us and she took off her helmet and her sweat drops nearly killed us!


"I don't do punie!" Dash yelled as Danny smiled as me.


"Alright! On your marks! Get set!" The gym teacher yelled as she blew her whistle  and I sat on a bench watching with my crutches next to me.
"So when will you be off them?" Sam asked. We already did our test so I was in the clear.
"In about a day or two." I smiled as I rewrapped my ankle. "All that really matters is that they passed and we're good." I said as the gym teacher gave us medals.

To the Girl with Turquoise EyesWhere stories live. Discover now