Parental Bonding

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3 months later

"Go with me to the dance?" Another guy asked as I grumbled.
"No. Please stop asking." I shot him a cold glare as Sam laughed at me.
"At least you have options! No one has said yes to me yet!" Tucker moaned.
"Did you try Alexia yet?" I tried as we stopped and glanced at the nerdy yearbook leader in her light pink sweater and skinny jeans.
"She like all the others shot me down, hard." He complained as I giggled and patted his shoulder.
"Hey Sam, Danny. How's date search going?" I laughed as Danny frowned.
"Not-" he stopped mid sentence.
"Paulina." The boys drooled.
"Oh please, her? She's a dime a dozen!" I sighed as they looked for dimes.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover." Sam agreed.
"Well then Danny go check out that book!" Tucker encouraged.
"No, I can't. I get weak knees when I'm near cute girls!" My eyes widened.
"Yet you have no problem with us!? You know what? Go give your weak knees some exercise." Sam growled as she pushed him towards the Latina girl. He fell on his face and his pants dropped.
"Leave him alone, come on Danny. She's not worth your time." I tugged his arm.
"Oh no! You did not just call me shallow!" She squealed angrily.
"If by shallow you mean I could step in a puddle full of you and not even get my feet wet, then yes." I shrugged as I dragged him away from the laughing morons.


"-no, you need to get your own date just like I did." Danny smiled as Tucker huffed.
"So does he have to act like a dork and drop is pants? Or will either do?" Sam voiced.
"I need a place to hide." I whispered as I pulled my hoodie further over my eyes.
"From what?"
"Rose! Come back! I just want a picture! I know it's you! Your eyes are the same!" A Victoria Secret employee screamed.
"Who's Rose?" Sam asked me.
"Me... please hide me." I pleaded as I put in brown contacts.
"Ok? But why is she calling you Rose?" Danny laughed.
"Look up Rose V.S Angel and you'll find me." I blushed as he pulled us out of the mall.
"You're a Vic-" Sam grinned before I covered her mouth.
"Sh! Not here, it's embarrassing." I ducked my head down.
"You're hot." Tucker stared as Danny gulped.
"No, please tell me you didn't-" I gasped as he showed me my bikini shoot. "I'm so sorry... it's... my family needed money!" I defended as a tear slipped from my eye.
"Don't worry, you're secret is safe with us... no pun intended." Tucker laughed as a small smile graced my lips.
"By the way, you look way better as a brunette." Sam smiled as she pushed my arm a bit.
"Thanks. Me too." I smiled softly as we said goodbye to the boys and walked home.


"Tie straight. Shirt tucked in. Unbreakable ghost fishing line tucked neatly away just in case. What's taking so long with that dragon research, girls?" Danny questions as I roll my eyes.
"Be patient dragon boy." I smirked as he raised an eyebrow at me and Sam laughs at what I ment.
"That's it! Medieval ghostly legend held that the cursed Amulet of Aragon could transform any wearer into dragon form under states of extreme emotional duress or anger. That's the amulet I gave to Paulina. It must have accidentally fallen into my backpack. Wait. You mean...I'm going on a date with a dragon?!" He yelped as I burst out laughing.
"Have fun at the dance boys." Sam laughed.
"Oh no, we need at least one of you to help us!" Tucker cried out.
"I... uh, don't have anything to uh." Sam started.
"If I have to go, Miss antisocial, so do you! I don't want to go the dance anymore than you do!" I sighed.
"We'll meet you guys there." Sam answered glumly.
"But I need a date!" Tucker shouted.
"NOT IT!" I shouted like a child as I put my finger on my nose.
"NOT FAIR!" Sam whined as I grinned and signed off.
"What and going to wear?" I asked myself as my maid helped me.


"She better not have stayed home!" Sam growled as I walked up behind her

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"She better not have stayed home!" Sam growled as I walked up behind her.
"With a nice warm cup of hot chocolate, some ice cream, and my fuzzy pjs?" I asked dreamily.
"Woah. Sky, you look amazing!" Tucker gaped as I thanked him and a blush crawled up my neck.



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"Sky? Is that you? You look beautiful

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"Sky? Is that you? You look beautiful." Danny breathed as he ditched Paulina.
"Yeah, your uh... date's eyes just flashed red." I mumbled.
"Oh, uh... I need help. Sam, Tucker? You guys watch my dad. Sky? Can you keep an eye on Paulina?" Danny asked as he handed us walkie talkies.
"This night just keeps getting better." I mumbled as I walked after Paulina.
"Nice dress." I sighed as.
"It goes great with your amulet doesn't it?"
"My? Oh yeah, it was my grandmother's..."
"Too bad, you're not getting this silly little trinket or your boyfriend back!" She cackled.
"Boyfriend? Danny's not my boyfriend."
"Aw! I just agreed to go to this dance with him cause I thought I was stealing him from you. Well, time to go dump your loser friend." She grinned as she put the amulet around my neck.
"SHALLOW LITTLE BITCH!" I roared as I turned into a dragon, grabbed her by her waist and we took to the skys.


"Sky! Are you ok?" Danny exclaimed with concern as he kneeled down next to me to help me up.
"Did I have fun at the dance?" I asked as my memory started to come back.
"Let's just say you had a roaring time." He chuckled as we walked back into the  gym.
"Are you ok?" Sam questioned as I nodded and Danny took my hand in his.
"One dance?" He smiled hopeful.
"Promise to keep your pants up?" I laughed.
"I try my best." He answered sweetly as he spun me around for the rest of the night.

To the Girl with Turquoise EyesWhere stories live. Discover now